What happens to the posterior compartment and bowel symptoms after sacrocolpopexy? evaluation of 5-year outcomes from E-CARE.
OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to describe posterior prolapse (pPOP) and obstructed defecation (OD) symptoms 5 years after open abdominal sacrocolpopexy (ASC). METHODS: We grouped the extended colpopexy and urinary reduction efforts trial participants with baseline and 5-year outcomes into 3 groups using baseline posterior Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification (POP-Q) points and concomitant posterior repair (PR) (no PR, Ap <0; no PR, Ap ≥0; and +PR). Posterior colporrhaphy, perineorrhaphy, or sacrocolpoperineopexy were included as PR, which was performed at surgeon's discretion. Outcomes were dichotomized into presence/absence of pPOP (Ap ≥0) and OD symptoms (≥2 on 1 or more questions about digital assistance, excessive straining, or incomplete evacuation). Composite failure was defined by both pPOP and OD symptoms or pPOP reoperation. RESULTS: Ninety participants completed baseline and 5-year outcomes or were retreated with mean follow-up of 7.1 ± 1.0 years. Of those with no PR (Ap <0), 2 women (2/36; 9%) developed new pPOP with OD symptoms; 1 underwent subsequent PR. Nearly all (23/24; 96%) with no PR (Ap ≥0) demonstrated sustained resolution of pPOP, and none underwent PR. Fourteen percent (4/29) of +PR underwent repeat PR within 5 years, and 12% had recurrent pPOP. Regardless of PR, OD symptoms improved in all groups after ASC, although OD symptoms were still present in 17% to 19% at 5 years. CONCLUSIONS: Symptomatic pPOP is common 5 years after ASC regardless of concomitant PR. Obstructed defecation symptoms may improve after ASC regardless of PR. Recurrent pPOP and/or reoperation was highest among those who received concomitant PR at ASC. Further studies identifying criteria for concomitant PR at the time of ASC are warranted.
Duke Scholars
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Related Subject Headings
- Treatment Outcome
- Sacrococcygeal Region
- Reoperation
- Pelvic Organ Prolapse
- Middle Aged
- Humans
- Gynecologic Surgical Procedures
- Female
- Defecation
- Colposcopy
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Related Subject Headings
- Treatment Outcome
- Sacrococcygeal Region
- Reoperation
- Pelvic Organ Prolapse
- Middle Aged
- Humans
- Gynecologic Surgical Procedures
- Female
- Defecation
- Colposcopy