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Handbook of Small Animal Imaging: Preclinical Imaging, Therapy, and Applications

Digital Subtracted Angiography of Small Animals

Publication ,  Chapter
Spiliopoulos, D; Kagadis, GC; Karnabatidis, D; Johnson, GA; Badea, CT
March 3, 2016

Duke Scholars



Publication Date

March 3, 2016

Start / End Page

67 / 75


Taylor & Francis Books, Inc., CRC Press


Spiliopoulos, D., Kagadis, G. C., Karnabatidis, D., Johnson, G. A., & Badea, C. T. (2016). Digital Subtracted Angiography of Small Animals (Accepted). In G. C. Kagadis, N. L. Ford, G. K. Loudos, & D. Karnabatidis (Eds.), Handbook of Small Animal Imaging: Preclinical Imaging, Therapy, and Applications (pp. 67–75). Taylor & Francis Books, Inc., CRC Press.
Spiliopoulos, D., G. C. Kagadis, D. Karnabatidis, G. A. Johnson, and C. T. Badea. “Digital Subtracted Angiography of Small Animals (Accepted).” In Handbook of Small Animal Imaging: Preclinical Imaging, Therapy, and Applications, edited by G. C. Kagadis, N. L. Ford, G. K. Loudos, and D. Karnabatidis, 67–75. Taylor & Francis Books, Inc., CRC Press, 2016.
Spiliopoulos D, Kagadis GC, Karnabatidis D, Johnson GA, Badea CT. Digital Subtracted Angiography of Small Animals (Accepted). In: Kagadis GC, Ford NL, Loudos GK, Karnabatidis D, editors. Handbook of Small Animal Imaging: Preclinical Imaging, Therapy, and Applications. Taylor & Francis Books, Inc., CRC Press; 2016. p. 67–75.
Spiliopoulos, D., et al. “Digital Subtracted Angiography of Small Animals (Accepted).” Handbook of Small Animal Imaging: Preclinical Imaging, Therapy, and Applications, edited by G. C. Kagadis et al., Taylor & Francis Books, Inc., CRC Press, 2016, pp. 67–75.
Spiliopoulos D, Kagadis GC, Karnabatidis D, Johnson GA, Badea CT. Digital Subtracted Angiography of Small Animals (Accepted). In: Kagadis GC, Ford NL, Loudos GK, Karnabatidis D, editors. Handbook of Small Animal Imaging: Preclinical Imaging, Therapy, and Applications. Taylor & Francis Books, Inc., CRC Press; 2016. p. 67–75.
Journal cover image



Publication Date

March 3, 2016

Start / End Page

67 / 75


Taylor & Francis Books, Inc., CRC Press