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Frozen spin target system for high intensive gamma-ray source at DFELL of TUNL

Publication ,  Conference
Seo, PN; Crabb, DG; Duve, R; Norum, B; Tkachenko, S; Howell, CR; Weller, HR; Miskimen, R; Ahmed, M
Published in: Proceedings of Science
June 18, 2014

The UVa group in collaboration with the TUNL group is currently building a frozen spin target system for the high intensity gamma-ray source (HIγS) at the Duke Free Electron Laser Laboratory (HIFROST). The heart of the system is a dilution refrigerator which we rebuilt from the one originally designed by T. Niinikoski and used at CERN and subsequently at GKSS (now HGZ), Germany. The use of a polarized target together with ∼100% polarized beams available at HIγS make the HIγS facility ideal for double polarization experiments. The first experiment will utilize a polarized deuteron target with the ∼100% circularly polarized gamma-ray beams to measure the Drell-Hearn-Gerasimov sum rule integrand for the deuteron below pion threshold. We report the status of developing this system and describe the first experiment using HIFROST.

Duke Scholars

Published In

Proceedings of Science



Publication Date

June 18, 2014




Seo, P. N., Crabb, D. G., Duve, R., Norum, B., Tkachenko, S., Howell, C. R., … Ahmed, M. (2014). Frozen spin target system for high intensive gamma-ray source at DFELL of TUNL. In Proceedings of Science (Vol. 09-13-September-2013).
Seo, P. N., D. G. Crabb, R. Duve, B. Norum, S. Tkachenko, C. R. Howell, H. R. Weller, R. Miskimen, and M. Ahmed. “Frozen spin target system for high intensive gamma-ray source at DFELL of TUNL.” In Proceedings of Science, Vol. 09-13-September-2013, 2014.
Seo PN, Crabb DG, Duve R, Norum B, Tkachenko S, Howell CR, et al. Frozen spin target system for high intensive gamma-ray source at DFELL of TUNL. In: Proceedings of Science. 2014.
Seo, P. N., et al. “Frozen spin target system for high intensive gamma-ray source at DFELL of TUNL.” Proceedings of Science, vol. 09-13-September-2013, 2014.
Seo PN, Crabb DG, Duve R, Norum B, Tkachenko S, Howell CR, Weller HR, Miskimen R, Ahmed M. Frozen spin target system for high intensive gamma-ray source at DFELL of TUNL. Proceedings of Science. 2014.

Published In

Proceedings of Science



Publication Date

June 18, 2014

