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Bleb Expansion in Migrating Cells Depends on Supply of Membrane from Cell Surface Invaginations.

Publication ,  Journal Article
Goudarzi, M; Tarbashevich, K; Mildner, K; Begemann, I; Garcia, J; Paksa, A; Reichman-Fried, M; Mahabaleshwar, H; Blaser, H; Hartwig, J; Betz, T ...
Published in: Dev Cell
December 4, 2017

Cell migration is essential for morphogenesis, organ formation, and homeostasis, with relevance for clinical conditions. The migration of primordial germ cells (PGCs) is a useful model for studying this process in the context of the developing embryo. Zebrafish PGC migration depends on the formation of cellular protrusions in form of blebs, a type of protrusion found in various cell types. Here we report on the mechanisms allowing the inflation of the membrane during bleb formation. We show that the rapid expansion of the protrusion depends on membrane invaginations that are localized preferentially at the cell front. The formation of these invaginations requires the function of Cdc42, and their unfolding allows bleb inflation and dynamic cell-shape changes performed by migrating cells. Inhibiting the formation and release of the invaginations strongly interfered with bleb formation, cell motility, and the ability of the cells to reach their target.

Duke Scholars

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Published In

Dev Cell




Publication Date

December 4, 2017





Start / End Page

577 / 587.e5


United States

Related Subject Headings

  • Zebrafish
  • Germ Cells
  • Developmental Biology
  • Cell Surface Extensions
  • Cell Shape
  • Cell Movement
  • Cell Membrane Structures
  • Cell Membrane
  • Animals
  • Actins


Goudarzi, M., Tarbashevich, K., Mildner, K., Begemann, I., Garcia, J., Paksa, A., … Raz, E. (2017). Bleb Expansion in Migrating Cells Depends on Supply of Membrane from Cell Surface Invaginations. Dev Cell, 43(5), 577-587.e5.
Goudarzi, Mohammad, Katsiaryna Tarbashevich, Karina Mildner, Isabell Begemann, Jamie Garcia, Azadeh Paksa, Michal Reichman-Fried, et al. “Bleb Expansion in Migrating Cells Depends on Supply of Membrane from Cell Surface Invaginations.Dev Cell 43, no. 5 (December 4, 2017): 577-587.e5.
Goudarzi M, Tarbashevich K, Mildner K, Begemann I, Garcia J, Paksa A, et al. Bleb Expansion in Migrating Cells Depends on Supply of Membrane from Cell Surface Invaginations. Dev Cell. 2017 Dec 4;43(5):577-587.e5.
Goudarzi, Mohammad, et al. “Bleb Expansion in Migrating Cells Depends on Supply of Membrane from Cell Surface Invaginations.Dev Cell, vol. 43, no. 5, Dec. 2017, pp. 577-587.e5. Pubmed, doi:10.1016/j.devcel.2017.10.030.
Goudarzi M, Tarbashevich K, Mildner K, Begemann I, Garcia J, Paksa A, Reichman-Fried M, Mahabaleshwar H, Blaser H, Hartwig J, Zeuschner D, Galic M, Bagnat M, Betz T, Raz E. Bleb Expansion in Migrating Cells Depends on Supply of Membrane from Cell Surface Invaginations. Dev Cell. 2017 Dec 4;43(5):577-587.e5.
Journal cover image

Published In

Dev Cell




Publication Date

December 4, 2017





Start / End Page

577 / 587.e5


United States

Related Subject Headings

  • Zebrafish
  • Germ Cells
  • Developmental Biology
  • Cell Surface Extensions
  • Cell Shape
  • Cell Movement
  • Cell Membrane Structures
  • Cell Membrane
  • Animals
  • Actins