Noninvasive monitoring of stem cell delivery and muscle regeneration
, Conference
Hilton, T; Cahill, KS; Gaidosh, GS; Torres, RT; Huard, J; Bryne, BJ; Vandenborne, K; Walter, GA
Duke Scholars
Kyoto, Japan
Conference Name
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting
Hilton, T., Cahill, K. S., Gaidosh, G. S., Torres, R. T., Huard, J., Bryne, B. J., … Walter, G. A. (n.d.). Noninvasive monitoring of stem cell delivery and muscle regeneration. Presented at the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Kyoto, Japan.
Hilton, Tiffany, K. S. Cahill, G. S. Gaidosh, R. T. Torres, J. Huard, B. J. Bryne, K. Vandenborne, and G. A. Walter. “Noninvasive monitoring of stem cell delivery and muscle regeneration,” n.d.
Hilton T, Cahill KS, Gaidosh GS, Torres RT, Huard J, Bryne BJ, et al. Noninvasive monitoring of stem cell delivery and muscle regeneration. In.
Hilton, Tiffany, et al. Noninvasive monitoring of stem cell delivery and muscle regeneration.
Hilton T, Cahill KS, Gaidosh GS, Torres RT, Huard J, Bryne BJ, Vandenborne K, Walter GA. Noninvasive monitoring of stem cell delivery and muscle regeneration.
Kyoto, Japan
Conference Name
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting