Data and scripts from: Nontrivial critical fixed point for replica-symmetry-breaking transitions
, Dataset
Charbonneau, P; Yaida, S
October 8, 2018
The transformation of the free-energy landscape from smooth to hierarchical is one of the richest features of mean-field disordered systems. A well-studied example is the de Almeida–Thouless transition for spin glasses in a magnetic field, and a similar phenomenon--the Gardner transition--has recently been predicted for structural glasses. The existence of these replica-symmetry-breaking phase transitions has, however, long been questioned below their upper critical dimension, d(u)=6. Here, we obtain evidence for the existence of these transitions in d
Duke Scholars
Charbonneau, P., & Yaida, S. (2018). Data and scripts from: Nontrivial critical fixed point for replica-symmetry-breaking transitions.
Charbonneau, Patrick, and Sho Yaida. “Data and scripts from: Nontrivial critical fixed point for replica-symmetry-breaking transitions,” October 8, 2018.
Charbonneau P, Yaida S. Data and scripts from: Nontrivial critical fixed point for replica-symmetry-breaking transitions. 2018.
Charbonneau, Patrick, and Sho Yaida. Data and scripts from: Nontrivial critical fixed point for replica-symmetry-breaking transitions. 8 Oct. 2018. Manual, doi:10.7924/r4cf9ns11.
Charbonneau P, Yaida S. Data and scripts from: Nontrivial critical fixed point for replica-symmetry-breaking transitions. 2018.