Make your chatter matter: Structured health care communication for mental health and chaplaincy
, Conference
Pastva, A; Grant, GH; Steinhauser, KE
Educational Workshop
Duke Scholars
Conference Name
HealthCare Chaplaincy Network, Caring with Human Spirit Conference
Pastva, A., Grant, G. H., & Steinhauser, K. E. (n.d.). Make your chatter matter: Structured health care communication for mental health and chaplaincy. Presented at the HealthCare Chaplaincy Network, Caring with Human Spirit Conference.
Pastva, Amy, G. H. Grant, and K. E. Steinhauser. “Make your chatter matter: Structured health care communication for mental health and chaplaincy,” n.d.
Pastva A, Grant GH, Steinhauser KE. Make your chatter matter: Structured health care communication for mental health and chaplaincy. In.
Pastva A, Grant GH, Steinhauser KE. Make your chatter matter: Structured health care communication for mental health and chaplaincy.
Conference Name
HealthCare Chaplaincy Network, Caring with Human Spirit Conference