Does Post Exercise Protein Reduce Total Protein Needs for Optimal Skeletal Muscle Responses to Resistance Training in Older Adults?
Purpose: Age-related muscle and strength loss, Sarcopenia, is a significant problem in the elderly population but may be restored through adequate protein intake and resistance exercise training (RET). The amount and timing of protein consumption may potentially play an important role in skeletal muscle responses to RET. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that post-exercise protein was sufficient to elicit the beneficial effects, with higher protein intakes unnecessary. Methods: 30 older, generally healthy men and women (age 50–69) performed 12 wks of full-body RET. Following the sessions, subjects received a whey/egg protein supplement (0.2 g/kg lean mass). In addition, subjects were asked to complete 48 food records over 12 wks. Body composition (DEXA), 1-RM and power tests were conducted before and after the training. Results: Mean dietary intake of protein during the 12 wks (g/kg) was significantly (P<0.01) correlated to percent change in lean mass (r=0.394). Percent change in lean mass for low (0.7 g/kg), moderate (0.9 g/kg) and high (1.1 g/kg) protein intake per day was 2.3±0.8%, 3.6±0.7%, and 5.1±0.8%, respectively. Conclusion: Contrary to our hypothesis and previous studies, variability in total daily protein intake did influence muscle gain with RET when post-exercise protein was administered.