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Improved muscle function in a phase I/II clinical trial of albuterol in Pompe disease.

Publication ,  Journal Article
Koeberl, DD; Case, LE; Desai, A; Smith, EC; Walters, C; Han, S-O; Thurberg, BL; Young, SP; Bali, D; Kishnani, PS
Published in: Mol Genet Metab
February 2020

This 24-week, Phase I/II, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study investigated the safety and efficacy of extended-release albuterol in late-onset Pompe disease stably treated with enzyme replacement therapy at the standard dose for 4.9 (1.0-9.4) years and with no contraindications to intake of albuterol. Twelve of 13 participants completed the study. No serious adverse events were related to albuterol, and transient minor drug-related adverse events included muscle spasms and tremors. For the albuterol group, forced vital capacity in the supine position increased by 10% (p < .005), and forced expiratory volume in one second increased by 8% (p < .05); the six-minute walk test increased 25 m (p < .05; excluding one participant unable to complete muscle function testing); the Gross Motor Function Measure increased by 8% (p < .005) with the greatest increases in the Standing (18%; p < .05) and Walking, Running, and Jumping (11%; p < .005) subtests. No significant improvements would be expected in patients with late-onset Pompe disease who were stably treated with enzyme replacement therapy. The placebo group demonstrated no significant increases in performance on any measure. These data support a potential benefit of extended-release albuterol as adjunctive therapy in carefully selected patients with late-onset Pompe disease based on ability to take albuterol on enzyme replacement therapy (NCT01885936).

Duke Scholars

Published In

Mol Genet Metab




Publication Date

February 2020





Start / End Page

67 / 72


United States

Related Subject Headings

  • Walk Test
  • Vital Capacity
  • Treatment Outcome
  • Muscle, Skeletal
  • Middle Aged
  • Male
  • Late Onset Disorders
  • Humans
  • Glycogen Storage Disease Type II
  • Genetics & Heredity


Koeberl, D. D., Case, L. E., Desai, A., Smith, E. C., Walters, C., Han, S.-O., … Kishnani, P. S. (2020). Improved muscle function in a phase I/II clinical trial of albuterol in Pompe disease. Mol Genet Metab, 129(2), 67–72.
Koeberl, Dwight D., Laura E. Case, Ankit Desai, Edward C. Smith, Crista Walters, Sang-Oh Han, Beth L. Thurberg, Sarah P. Young, Deeksha Bali, and Priya S. Kishnani. “Improved muscle function in a phase I/II clinical trial of albuterol in Pompe disease.Mol Genet Metab 129, no. 2 (February 2020): 67–72.
Koeberl DD, Case LE, Desai A, Smith EC, Walters C, Han S-O, et al. Improved muscle function in a phase I/II clinical trial of albuterol in Pompe disease. Mol Genet Metab. 2020 Feb;129(2):67–72.
Koeberl, Dwight D., et al. “Improved muscle function in a phase I/II clinical trial of albuterol in Pompe disease.Mol Genet Metab, vol. 129, no. 2, Feb. 2020, pp. 67–72. Pubmed, doi:10.1016/j.ymgme.2019.12.008.
Koeberl DD, Case LE, Desai A, Smith EC, Walters C, Han S-O, Thurberg BL, Young SP, Bali D, Kishnani PS. Improved muscle function in a phase I/II clinical trial of albuterol in Pompe disease. Mol Genet Metab. 2020 Feb;129(2):67–72.
Journal cover image

Published In

Mol Genet Metab




Publication Date

February 2020





Start / End Page

67 / 72


United States

Related Subject Headings

  • Walk Test
  • Vital Capacity
  • Treatment Outcome
  • Muscle, Skeletal
  • Middle Aged
  • Male
  • Late Onset Disorders
  • Humans
  • Glycogen Storage Disease Type II
  • Genetics & Heredity