The health status of transgender and gender nonbinary adults in the United States.
The goal of this exploratory study was to delineate health differences among transgender subpopulations (transgender women/TW, transgender men/TM, gender nonbinary/GNB adults). 2015 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data were analyzed to compare the health of three groups (TW:N = 369; TM:N = 239; GNB:N = 156). Logistic regression and adjusted odds ratios were used to determine whether health outcomes (fair/poor health, frequent physical and mental unhealthy days, chronic health conditions, and health problems/impairments) are related to group and its interaction with personal characteristics and socioeconomic position. Group was a significant predictor of fair/poor health and frequent mental unhealthy days, revealing significant health differences between the transgender groups. The odds of poor/fair health were approximately 2.5 times higher in TM and GNB adults relative to TW. The odds of frequent mental unhealthy days for TM were approximately 1.5-2 times greater than TW and GNB adults. Among those with health insurance, the odds of fair/poor health for GNB adults was more than 1.5-2 times higher that of TM and TW. Among those without health insurance, TM had over 7 times greater odds of fair/poor health than TW. This study underscores the importance of classifying and examining the health of the transgender population as unique subpopulations, as notable health differences were discovered. TM and GNB adults have significant health concerns, requiring the attention of clinical interventions aimed at promoting health and preventing illness.
Duke Scholars
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Related Subject Headings
- Young Adult
- United States
- Transgender Persons
- Multivariate Analysis
- Middle Aged
- Male
- Humans
- Health Status
- General Science & Technology
- Gender Identity
Published In
Publication Date
Start / End Page
Related Subject Headings
- Young Adult
- United States
- Transgender Persons
- Multivariate Analysis
- Middle Aged
- Male
- Humans
- Health Status
- General Science & Technology
- Gender Identity