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Governance of Global Value Chains in Response to Food Safety and Certification Standards: The Case of Shrimp from Vietnam

Publication ,  Journal Article
Trần, N; Bailey, C; Wilson, N; Phillips, M
Published in: World Development.
May 2013

We use global value chain (GVC) theory to understand governance of Vietnam’s shrimp farming industry. We describe this GVC as buyer-driven with important food safety standards imposed by governments of importing countries and new certification systems promoted by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Governance relations are clear between governments in importing countries and Vietnam, and between importers and NGOs. Governance relations become more fragmented further down the chain where large numbers of small-scale producers and traders operate. This fragmentation may adversely affect access to the most lucrative markets and have the unanticipated effect of marginalizing small-scale farmers and traders.

Duke Scholars

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Published In

World Development.




Publication Date

May 2013



Start / End Page

325 / 336

Related Subject Headings

  • Development Studies
  • 44 Human society
  • 38 Economics
  • 16 Studies in Human Society
  • 14 Economics


Trần, N., Bailey, C., Wilson, N., & Phillips, M. (2013). Governance of Global Value Chains in Response to Food Safety and Certification Standards: The Case of Shrimp from Vietnam. World Development., 45, 325–336.
Trần, Nhương, Conner Bailey, Norbert Wilson, and Michael Phillips. “Governance of Global Value Chains in Response to Food Safety and Certification Standards: The Case of Shrimp from Vietnam.” World Development. 45 (May 2013): 325–36.
Trần N, Bailey C, Wilson N, Phillips M. Governance of Global Value Chains in Response to Food Safety and Certification Standards: The Case of Shrimp from Vietnam. World Development. 2013 May;45:325–36.
Trần, Nhương, et al. “Governance of Global Value Chains in Response to Food Safety and Certification Standards: The Case of Shrimp from Vietnam.” World Development., vol. 45, May 2013, pp. 325–36. Epmc, doi:10.1016/j.worlddev.2013.01.025.
Trần N, Bailey C, Wilson N, Phillips M. Governance of Global Value Chains in Response to Food Safety and Certification Standards: The Case of Shrimp from Vietnam. World Development. 2013 May;45:325–336.
Journal cover image

Published In

World Development.




Publication Date

May 2013



Start / End Page

325 / 336

Related Subject Headings

  • Development Studies
  • 44 Human society
  • 38 Economics
  • 16 Studies in Human Society
  • 14 Economics