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Data and Scripts from: Interplay between percolation and glassiness in the random Lorentz gas

Publication ,  Dataset
Hu, Y; Charbonneau, P; Zamponi, F; Ikeda, H; Biroli, G; Corwin, E; Szamel, G
March 1, 2021

The random Lorentz gas (RLG) is a minimal model of transport in heterogeneous media that exhibits a continuous localization transition controlled by void space percolation. The RLG also provides a toy model of particle caging, which is known to be relevant for describing the discontinuous dynamical transition of glasses. In order to clarify the interplay between the seemingly incompatible percolation and caging descriptions of the RLG, we consider its exact mean-field solution in the infinite-dimensional limit and perform numerics in d=2 to 20. We find that for sufficiently high $d$ the mean-field caging transition precedes and prevents the percolation transition, which only happens on timescales diverging with $d$. We further show that activated processes related to rare cage escapes destroy the glass transition in finite dimensions, leading to a rich interplay between glassiness and percolation physics. This advance suggests that the RLG can be used as a toy model to develop a first-principle description of particle hopping in structural glasses.

Duke Scholars


Publication Date

March 1, 2021


Hu, Y., Charbonneau, P., Zamponi, F., Ikeda, H., Biroli, G., Corwin, E., & Szamel, G. (2021). Data and Scripts from: Interplay between percolation and glassiness in the random Lorentz gas.
Hu, Yi, Patrick Charbonneau, Francesco Zamponi, Harukuni Ikeda, Giulio Biroli, Eric Corwin, and Grzegorz Szamel. “Data and Scripts from: Interplay between percolation and glassiness in the random Lorentz gas,” March 1, 2021.
Hu Y, Charbonneau P, Zamponi F, Ikeda H, Biroli G, Corwin E, et al. Data and Scripts from: Interplay between percolation and glassiness in the random Lorentz gas. 2021.
Hu Y, Charbonneau P, Zamponi F, Ikeda H, Biroli G, Corwin E, Szamel G. Data and Scripts from: Interplay between percolation and glassiness in the random Lorentz gas. 2021.


Publication Date

March 1, 2021