A Novel Internet-of-Vehicles Assisted Collaborative Low-visible Pedestrian Detection Approach
For releasing the public concern on road safety, as an essential driving assistant technique for supporting autonomous deriving, considerable research efforts have been paid on developing practical traffic-related target/object detection methods. In recent years, by exploiting the powerful parallel processing capability of GPU and the feature extraction ability of deep convolutional neural network (CNN), the visible light image-based pedestrian detection method has gradually been considered as a potential solution. However, although it has been proven in the existing literature that CNN-based pedestrian detection methods can greatly improve the detection efficiency for lightly occluded pedestrians, the detection of low-visible pedestrians is still an open challenge. Accordingly, in this paper, we propose a novel collaborative pedestrian detection frame based on the Internet-of-Vehicles (IoV) to detect low-visible/hidden pedestrians or even hidden pedestrians. We further evaluate the proposed pedestrian detection framework relying on simulation experiments.