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The Anti-Coronavirus Therapies (ACT) Trials: Design, Baseline Characteristics, and Challenges.

Publication ,  Journal Article
Eikelboom, J; Rangarajan, S; Jolly, SS; Belley-Cote, EP; Whitlock, R; Beresh, H; Lewis, G; Xu, L; Chan, N; Bangdiwala, S; Diaz, R; Hassany, M ...
Published in: CJC Open
June 2022

BACKGROUND: Effective treatments for COVID-19 are urgently needed, but conducting randomized trials during the pandemic has been challenging. METHODS: The Anti-Coronavirus Therapy (ACT) trials are parallel factorial international trials that aimed to enroll 3500 outpatients and 2500 inpatients with symptomatic COVID-19. The outpatient trial is evaluating colchicine vs usual care, and aspirin vs usual care. The primary outcome for the colchicine randomization is hospitalization or death, and for the aspirin randomization, it is major thrombosis, hospitalization, or death. The inpatient trial is evaluating colchicine vs usual care, and the combination of rivaroxaban 2.5 mg twice daily and aspirin 100 mg once daily vs usual care. The primary outcome for the colchicine randomization is need for high-flow oxygen, need for mechanical ventilation, or death, and for the rivaroxaban plus aspirin randomization, it is major thrombotic events, need for high-flow oxygen, need for mechanical ventilation, or death. RESULTS: At the completion of enrollment on February 10, 2022, the outpatient trial had enrolled 3917 patients, and the inpatient trial had enrolled 2611 patients. Challenges encountered included lack of preliminary data about the interventions under evaluation, uncertainties related to the expected event rates, delays in regulatory and ethics approvals, and in obtaining study interventions, as well as the changing pattern of the COVID-19 pandemic. CONCLUSIONS: The ACT trials will determine the efficacy of anti-inflammatory therapy with colchicine, and antithrombotic therapy with aspirin given alone or in combination with rivaroxaban, across the spectrum of mild, moderate, and severe COVID-19. Lessons learned from the conduct of these trials will inform planning of future trials.

Duke Scholars

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Published In

CJC Open




Publication Date

June 2022





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568 / 576


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Eikelboom, J., Rangarajan, S., Jolly, S. S., Belley-Cote, E. P., Whitlock, R., Beresh, H., … Yusuf, S. (2022). The Anti-Coronavirus Therapies (ACT) Trials: Design, Baseline Characteristics, and Challenges. CJC Open, 4(6), 568–576.
Eikelboom, John, Sumathy Rangarajan, Sanjit S. Jolly, Emilie P. Belley-Cote, Richard Whitlock, Heather Beresh, Gayle Lewis, et al. “The Anti-Coronavirus Therapies (ACT) Trials: Design, Baseline Characteristics, and Challenges.CJC Open 4, no. 6 (June 2022): 568–76.
Eikelboom J, Rangarajan S, Jolly SS, Belley-Cote EP, Whitlock R, Beresh H, et al. The Anti-Coronavirus Therapies (ACT) Trials: Design, Baseline Characteristics, and Challenges. CJC Open. 2022 Jun;4(6):568–76.
Eikelboom, John, et al. “The Anti-Coronavirus Therapies (ACT) Trials: Design, Baseline Characteristics, and Challenges.CJC Open, vol. 4, no. 6, June 2022, pp. 568–76. Pubmed, doi:10.1016/j.cjco.2022.02.010.
Eikelboom J, Rangarajan S, Jolly SS, Belley-Cote EP, Whitlock R, Beresh H, Lewis G, Xu L, Chan N, Bangdiwala S, Diaz R, Orlandini A, Hassany M, Tarhuni WM, Yusufali AM, Sharma SK, Kontsevaya A, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Avezum A, Dans AL, Wasserman S, Felix C, Kazmi K, Pais P, Xavier D, Lopes RD, Berwanger O, Nkeshimana M, Harper W, Loeb M, Choudhri S, Farkouh ME, Bosch J, Anand SS, Yusuf S. The Anti-Coronavirus Therapies (ACT) Trials: Design, Baseline Characteristics, and Challenges. CJC Open. 2022 Jun;4(6):568–576.
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Published In

CJC Open




Publication Date

June 2022





Start / End Page

568 / 576


United States