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Beyond Stage C: Considerations in the Management of Patients With Heart Failure Progression and Gaps in Evidence.

Publication ,  Journal Article
Carroll, AM; Farr, M; Russell, SD; Schlendorf, KH; Truby, LK; Gilotra, NA; Vader, JM; Patel, CB; Devore, AD
Published in: J Card Fail
May 2023

Despite treatment with contemporary medical therapies for chronic heart failure (HF), there has been an increase in the prevalence of patients progressing to more advanced disease. Patients progressing to and living at the interface of severe stage C and stage D HF are underrepresented in clinical trials, and there is a lack of high-quality evidence to guide clinical decision making. For patients with severe HF phenotypes, the medical therapies used for patients with less advanced stages of illness are often no longer tolerated or provide inadequate clinical stability. The limited data on these patients highlights the need to increase formal research characterizing this high-risk population. This review summarizes existing clinical trial data and incorporates our considerations for approaches to the medical management of patients advanced "beyond stage C" HF.

Duke Scholars

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Published In

J Card Fail




Publication Date

May 2023





Start / End Page

818 / 831


United States

Related Subject Headings

  • Risk Factors
  • Humans
  • Heart-Assist Devices
  • Heart Failure
  • Chronic Disease
  • Cardiovascular System & Hematology
  • 3202 Clinical sciences
  • 3201 Cardiovascular medicine and haematology
  • 1110 Nursing
  • 1103 Clinical Sciences


Carroll, A. M., Farr, M., Russell, S. D., Schlendorf, K. H., Truby, L. K., Gilotra, N. A., … Devore, A. D. (2023). Beyond Stage C: Considerations in the Management of Patients With Heart Failure Progression and Gaps in Evidence. J Card Fail, 29(5), 818–831.
Carroll, Aubrie M., Maryjane Farr, Stuart D. Russell, Kelly H. Schlendorf, Lauren K. Truby, Nisha A. Gilotra, Justin M. Vader, Chetan B. Patel, and Adam D. Devore. “Beyond Stage C: Considerations in the Management of Patients With Heart Failure Progression and Gaps in Evidence.J Card Fail 29, no. 5 (May 2023): 818–31.
Carroll AM, Farr M, Russell SD, Schlendorf KH, Truby LK, Gilotra NA, et al. Beyond Stage C: Considerations in the Management of Patients With Heart Failure Progression and Gaps in Evidence. J Card Fail. 2023 May;29(5):818–31.
Carroll, Aubrie M., et al. “Beyond Stage C: Considerations in the Management of Patients With Heart Failure Progression and Gaps in Evidence.J Card Fail, vol. 29, no. 5, May 2023, pp. 818–31. Pubmed, doi:10.1016/j.cardfail.2023.02.015.
Carroll AM, Farr M, Russell SD, Schlendorf KH, Truby LK, Gilotra NA, Vader JM, Patel CB, Devore AD. Beyond Stage C: Considerations in the Management of Patients With Heart Failure Progression and Gaps in Evidence. J Card Fail. 2023 May;29(5):818–831.
Journal cover image

Published In

J Card Fail




Publication Date

May 2023





Start / End Page

818 / 831


United States

Related Subject Headings

  • Risk Factors
  • Humans
  • Heart-Assist Devices
  • Heart Failure
  • Chronic Disease
  • Cardiovascular System & Hematology
  • 3202 Clinical sciences
  • 3201 Cardiovascular medicine and haematology
  • 1110 Nursing
  • 1103 Clinical Sciences