Place of Encounters | Lugar de Encuentros
Curatorial Text for the Exhibit: Place of Encounters | Lugar de Encuentros. Cameron Art Museum. Wilmington NC. May 2023 - January 2024. North Carolina is home to a rich diversity of voices, which is reflected in its community of Latin American artists. Work from Place of Encounters | Lugar de Encuentros often straddles two worlds, reflecting both birthplace and chosen home, exploring tension and harmony in the relationship between the two. From film to installation art to paintings to photography, this exhibition delves into the variety of migrant experiences, offering a space for connection, and a chance to encounter another’s experience through art. Artists include Nico Amortegui (Colombia), Cornelio Campos (Mexico), Rodrigo Dorfman (Chile), Mario Marzán (USA Puerto Rico), Renzo Ortega (Peru), and Rosalía Torres-Weiner (Mexico).