Mortality and suicidality in veterans health administration patients with newly-identified early episode psychosis.
Within the Veterans Affairs (VA), management of self-harm is a major clinical priority. However, there is limited information on risks for self-harm among VA patients with emerging psychotic disorders relative to VA patients with other emerging mental health conditions. Using information from fiscal years 2010 through 2018, a national cohort of VA patients 30 or younger was classified based on mental health diagnoses into three groups: 1) early episode psychosis (EEP), 2) non-early episode psychosis mental health (non-EEP MH), or 3) no mental health (no MH). Analyses focused on cohort members' risk for all-cause mortality, suicide mortality, and non-fatal suicide attempts (NFSA) during the year following initial diagnosis of mental health conditions (or first year of VA care, for the no MH group). In unadjusted analyses, the EEP group had elevated rates of all-cause mortality, suicide mortality, and NFSA relative to the non-EEP MH and no MH groups and the non-EEP MH had elevated rates of all-cause mortality, suicide mortality, and NFSA relative to the no MH group. After adjusting for demographics and care receipt, EEP status was unrelated to all-cause mortality but associated with increased suicide mortality risk and NFSA. Non-EEP MH status was associated with reduced risk of all-cause mortality but increased risk for NFSA. In the year following first diagnosis, VA patients with EEP are at increased risk for suicide mortality and self-harm even after accounting for other risk factors. Clinical services targeting this crucial time can help promote safety for this vulnerable group.
Duke Scholars
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Related Subject Headings
- Veterans Health
- Veterans
- Suicide, Attempted
- Suicide
- Psychotic Disorders
- Psychiatry
- Mental Health
- Humans
- 3202 Clinical sciences
- 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences
Published In
Publication Date
Start / End Page
Related Subject Headings
- Veterans Health
- Veterans
- Suicide, Attempted
- Suicide
- Psychotic Disorders
- Psychiatry
- Mental Health
- Humans
- 3202 Clinical sciences
- 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences