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Attacks on Perception-Based Control Systems: Modeling and Fundamental Limits

Publication ,  Journal Article
Khazraei, A; Pfister, H; Pajic, M
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
January 1, 2024

We study the performance of perception-based control systems in the presence of attacks, and provide methods for modeling and analysis of their resiliency to stealthy attacks on both physical and perception-based sensing. Specifically, we consider a general setup with a nonlinear affine physical plant controlled with a perception-based controller that maps both the physical (e.g., IMUs) and perceptual (e.g., camera) sensing to the control input; the system is also equipped with a statistical or learning-based anomaly detector (AD). We model the attacks in the most general form, and introduce the notions of attack effectiveness and stealthiness independent of the used AD. In such setting, we consider attacks with different levels of runtime knowledge about the plant. We find sufficient conditions for existence of stealthy effective attacks that force the plant into an unsafe region without being detected by AD. We show that as the open-loop unstable plant dynamics diverges faster and the closed-loop system converges faster to an equilibrium point, the system is more vulnerable to effective stealthy attacks. Also, depending on runtime information available to the attacker, the probability of attack remaining stealthy can be arbitrarily close to one, if the attacker's estimate of the plant's state is arbitrarily close to the true state; when an accurate estimate of the plant state is not available, the stealthiness level depends on the control performance in attack-free operation.

Duke Scholars

Published In

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control






Publication Date

January 1, 2024

Related Subject Headings

  • Industrial Engineering & Automation
  • 4007 Control engineering, mechatronics and robotics
  • 0913 Mechanical Engineering
  • 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • 0102 Applied Mathematics


Khazraei, A., Pfister, H., & Pajic, M. (2024). Attacks on Perception-Based Control Systems: Modeling and Fundamental Limits. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
Khazraei, A., H. Pfister, and M. Pajic. “Attacks on Perception-Based Control Systems: Modeling and Fundamental Limits.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, January 1, 2024.
Khazraei A, Pfister H, Pajic M. Attacks on Perception-Based Control Systems: Modeling and Fundamental Limits. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 2024 Jan 1;
Khazraei, A., et al. “Attacks on Perception-Based Control Systems: Modeling and Fundamental Limits.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Jan. 2024. Scopus, doi:10.1109/TAC.2024.3401022.
Khazraei A, Pfister H, Pajic M. Attacks on Perception-Based Control Systems: Modeling and Fundamental Limits. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 2024 Jan 1;

Published In

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control






Publication Date

January 1, 2024

Related Subject Headings

  • Industrial Engineering & Automation
  • 4007 Control engineering, mechatronics and robotics
  • 0913 Mechanical Engineering
  • 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • 0102 Applied Mathematics