HCV Exposure in the Health Care Arena. Is there a Role for Post-exposure Prophylaxis?
Purpose of Review: Healthcare workers are a vulnerable population for exposure to a variety of bloodborne pathogens including hepatitis C (HCV). With the development of novel efficacious treatments for chronic HCV, the role of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) has been suggested instead of the current approach to monitor for the development of infection. Recent Findings: The lack of robust studies that HCV PEP lowers transmission risk as well as the significant financial cost limits enthusiasm for routine use of HCV PEP at this time. Summary: We support stringent monitoring protocols with prompt referral for evaluation and treatment when infection is detected. However, it is important to consider providing HCV PEP for clinicians engaged in invasive procedures who may be displaced from work for extended periods of time due to the nature of their work where they have a higher risk for transmission to additional patients.