Value in cancer care: Regional initiative to improve care through data reporting and interventions.
Kreizenbeck, KL; Hoopes, T; Steuten, L; Shankaran, V; Goulart, B; Lyman, GH; Brown, TD; Chen, EY; Conklin, T; Corman, JM; Lonergan, M; Mera, C ...
Published in: Journal of Clinical Oncology
34 Background: In the context of many initiatives aimed at measuring quality and value in cancer care, the Hutchinson Institute for Cancer Outcomes Research (HICOR), partnered with community members to launch a regional, stakeholder-driven initiative to define and report value metrics for cancer care for Washington State. Region-wide Summits were held in 2014 and 2015. Participants included local healthcare delivery organizations, patient advocacy groups, payers, and policymakers. The 2014 Summit identified priority metrics; these metrics were reported at the 2015 Summit. Methods: For the 2015 Summit, HICOR staff developed algorithms to measure adherence to the community-prioritized metrics using a claims-registry linked database. Metrics spanned diagnosis, treatment, continuing, and end-of-life (EOL) phases of care. After reviewing adherence at the clinic-level and for the region, attendees were invited to attend break-out sessions for metrics where there was the largest variation: hospital and ED use during treatment, hospital and ED use at EOL, and breast cancer surveillance. Within the breakout sessions, participants were asked to identify barriers to adherence and possible interventions to improve care. After discussion, participants individually ranked the top 3 interventions and estimated expected improvement to be gained by successful implementation of the intervention Results: Table. Working groups were formed to develop detailed protocols for implementable interventions. Conclusions: Using an iterative, transparent, multi-stakeholder process, it is feasible build regional consensus to identify and prioritize value metrics in cancer care, and to develop consensus regarding approaches to improve adherence to those metrics. [Table: see text]