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Engineering the independent folding of the subtilisin BPN' prodomain: analysis of two-state folding versus protein stability.

Publication ,  Journal Article
Ruvinov, S; Wang, L; Ruan, B; Almog, O; Gilliland, GL; Eisenstein, E; Bryan, PN
Published in: Biochemistry
August 1997

In complex with subtilisin BPN', the 77 amino acid prodomain folds into a stable compact structure comprising a four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet and two three-turn alpha-helices. When isolated from subtilisin, the prodomain is 97% unfolded even under optimal folding conditions. Traditionally, to study stable proteins, denaturing cosolvents or temperatures are used to shift the equilibrium from folded to unfolded. Here we manipulate the folding equilibrium of the unstable prodomain by introducing stabilizing mutations generated by design. By sequentially introducing three stabilizing mutations into the prodomain we are able to shift the equilibrium for independent folding from 97% unfolded to 65% folded. Spectroscopic and thermodynamic analysis of the folding reaction was carried out to assess the effect of stability on two-state behavior and the denatured state. The denatured states of single and combination mutants are not discernably different in spite of a range of DeltaGunfolding from -2.1 to 0.4 kcal/mol. Conclusions about the nature of the denatured state of the prodomain are based on CD spectral data and calorimetric data. Two state folding is observed for a combination mutant of marginal stability (DeltaG = 0). Evidence for its two-state folding is based on the observed additivity of individual mutations to the overall DeltaGunfolding and the conformity of DeltaGunfolding vs T to two-state assumptions as embodied in the Gibbs-Helmholz equation. We believe our success in stabilizing the two-state folding reaction of the prodomain originates from the selection of mutations with improved ability to fold subtilisin rather than selection for increase in secondary structure content. The fact that a small number of mutations can stabilize the independent folding of the prodomain implies that most of the folding information already exists in the wild-type amino acid sequence in spite of the fact that the unfolded state predominates.

Duke Scholars

Published In




Publication Date

August 1997





Start / End Page

10414 / 10421


united states

Related Subject Headings

  • Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
  • 3404 Medicinal and biomolecular chemistry
  • 3205 Medical biochemistry and metabolomics
  • 3101 Biochemistry and cell biology
  • 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics
  • 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology
  • 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry


Ruvinov, S., Wang, L., Ruan, B., Almog, O., Gilliland, G. L., Eisenstein, E., & Bryan, P. N. (1997). Engineering the independent folding of the subtilisin BPN' prodomain: analysis of two-state folding versus protein stability. Biochemistry, 36(34), 10414–10421.
Ruvinov, S., L. Wang, B. Ruan, O. Almog, G. L. Gilliland, E. Eisenstein, and P. N. Bryan. “Engineering the independent folding of the subtilisin BPN' prodomain: analysis of two-state folding versus protein stability.Biochemistry 36, no. 34 (August 1997): 10414–21.
Ruvinov S, Wang L, Ruan B, Almog O, Gilliland GL, Eisenstein E, et al. Engineering the independent folding of the subtilisin BPN' prodomain: analysis of two-state folding versus protein stability. Biochemistry. 1997 Aug;36(34):10414–21.
Ruvinov, S., et al. “Engineering the independent folding of the subtilisin BPN' prodomain: analysis of two-state folding versus protein stability.Biochemistry, vol. 36, no. 34, Aug. 1997, pp. 10414–21.
Ruvinov S, Wang L, Ruan B, Almog O, Gilliland GL, Eisenstein E, Bryan PN. Engineering the independent folding of the subtilisin BPN' prodomain: analysis of two-state folding versus protein stability. Biochemistry. 1997 Aug;36(34):10414–10421.
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Published In




Publication Date

August 1997





Start / End Page

10414 / 10421


united states

Related Subject Headings

  • Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
  • 3404 Medicinal and biomolecular chemistry
  • 3205 Medical biochemistry and metabolomics
  • 3101 Biochemistry and cell biology
  • 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics
  • 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology
  • 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry