Estimating relative abundance of the female blue crab spawning stock in North Carolina
, Conference
Rittschof, D; Darnell, MZ; Darnell, KM; Goldman, M; Ogburn, MB; McDowell, RE
Published in: Biology and Management of Exploited Crab Populations Under Climate Change
Duke Scholars
Published In
Biology and Management of Exploited Crab Populations Under Climate Change
Publication Date
Start / End Page
91 / 108
Anchorage, Alaska
Alaska Sea Grant College Program, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Conference Name
25th Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium
Rittschof, D., Darnell, M. Z., Darnell, K. M., Goldman, M., Ogburn, M. B., & McDowell, R. E. (2010). Estimating relative abundance of the female blue crab spawning stock in North Carolina. In Biology and Management of Exploited Crab Populations Under Climate Change (pp. 91–108). Anchorage, Alaska: Alaska Sea Grant College Program, University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Rittschof, D., M. Z. Darnell, K. M. Darnell, M. Goldman, M. B. Ogburn, and R. E. McDowell. “Estimating relative abundance of the female blue crab spawning stock in North Carolina.” In Biology and Management of Exploited Crab Populations Under Climate Change, 91–108. Alaska Sea Grant College Program, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2010.
Rittschof D, Darnell MZ, Darnell KM, Goldman M, Ogburn MB, McDowell RE. Estimating relative abundance of the female blue crab spawning stock in North Carolina. In: Biology and Management of Exploited Crab Populations Under Climate Change. Alaska Sea Grant College Program, University of Alaska Fairbanks; 2010. p. 91–108.
Rittschof, D., et al. “Estimating relative abundance of the female blue crab spawning stock in North Carolina.” Biology and Management of Exploited Crab Populations Under Climate Change, Alaska Sea Grant College Program, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2010, pp. 91–108.
Rittschof D, Darnell MZ, Darnell KM, Goldman M, Ogburn MB, McDowell RE. Estimating relative abundance of the female blue crab spawning stock in North Carolina. Biology and Management of Exploited Crab Populations Under Climate Change. Alaska Sea Grant College Program, University of Alaska Fairbanks; 2010. p. 91–108.
Published In
Biology and Management of Exploited Crab Populations Under Climate Change
Publication Date
Start / End Page
91 / 108
Anchorage, Alaska
Alaska Sea Grant College Program, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Conference Name
25th Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium