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Depression in elderly hospitalized patients with medical illness.

Publication ,  Journal Article
Koenig, HG; Meador, KG; Cohen, HJ; Blazer, DG
Published in: Arch Intern Med
September 1988

Depressive symptoms and disorders were identified by structured psychiatric interview in 130 consecutively admitted male inpatients aged 70 years and over. Major depression was found in 11.5% and other depressive syndromes in 23%. While depressive symptoms and syndromes are common among the medically ill, this study demonstrated the need for careful diagnostic assessment of older patients with depressive symptoms before initiating treatment that may itself convey significant risk. Sociodemographic and health characteristics of older men at higher risk for depression were also identified. Patients more likely to be depressed were over age 75 years, had less formal education, experienced cognitive dysfunction, suffered from more severe medical illness (particularly recent myocardial infarction), and had a history of psychiatric illness. Depressive symptoms were also common among patients with renal or neurologic diseases, those having a family history of psychiatric illness, the unmarried, and the more severely disabled. Given the impact of depression on recovery from medical illness, compliance with medical therapy, and costs of extended hospital stays, detection and treatment of this disorder are imperative.

Duke Scholars

Published In

Arch Intern Med



Publication Date

September 1988





Start / End Page

1929 / 1936


United States

Related Subject Headings

  • Social Support
  • Severity of Illness Index
  • Regression Analysis
  • Psychiatric Status Rating Scales
  • Nervous System Diseases
  • Myocardial Infarction
  • Mental Disorders
  • Marriage
  • Male
  • Kidney Diseases


Koenig, H. G., Meador, K. G., Cohen, H. J., & Blazer, D. G. (1988). Depression in elderly hospitalized patients with medical illness. Arch Intern Med, 148(9), 1929–1936.
Koenig, H. G., K. G. Meador, H. J. Cohen, and D. G. Blazer. “Depression in elderly hospitalized patients with medical illness.Arch Intern Med 148, no. 9 (September 1988): 1929–36.
Koenig HG, Meador KG, Cohen HJ, Blazer DG. Depression in elderly hospitalized patients with medical illness. Arch Intern Med. 1988 Sep;148(9):1929–36.
Koenig, H. G., et al. “Depression in elderly hospitalized patients with medical illness.Arch Intern Med, vol. 148, no. 9, Sept. 1988, pp. 1929–36.
Koenig HG, Meador KG, Cohen HJ, Blazer DG. Depression in elderly hospitalized patients with medical illness. Arch Intern Med. 1988 Sep;148(9):1929–1936.

Published In

Arch Intern Med



Publication Date

September 1988





Start / End Page

1929 / 1936


United States

Related Subject Headings

  • Social Support
  • Severity of Illness Index
  • Regression Analysis
  • Psychiatric Status Rating Scales
  • Nervous System Diseases
  • Myocardial Infarction
  • Mental Disorders
  • Marriage
  • Male
  • Kidney Diseases