Head and neck: Editorial
, Journal Article
Weber, RS; Abemayor, E; Adams, GL; Adelstein, DJ; Alavi, A; Alford, E; Al-Sarraf, M; Alvi, A; Ambinder, R; Amdur, R; Amedee, RG; Anand, VK ...
Published in: Head and Neck
December 13, 2001
Duke Scholars
Published In
Head and Neck
Publication Date
December 13, 2001
Start / End Page
1021 / 1023
Related Subject Headings
- Otorhinolaryngology
- 3203 Dentistry
- 3202 Clinical sciences
- 1105 Dentistry
- 1103 Clinical Sciences
Weber, R. S., Abemayor, E., Adams, G. L., Adelstein, D. J., Alavi, A., Alford, E., … Delclos, L. (2001). Head and neck: Editorial. Head and Neck, 23(12), 1021–1023. https://doi.org/10.1002/hed.1148
Weber, R. S., E. Abemayor, G. L. Adams, D. J. Adelstein, A. Alavi, E. Alford, M. Al-Sarraf, et al. “Head and neck: Editorial.” Head and Neck 23, no. 12 (December 13, 2001): 1021–23. https://doi.org/10.1002/hed.1148.
Weber RS, Abemayor E, Adams GL, Adelstein DJ, Alavi A, Alford E, et al. Head and neck: Editorial. Head and Neck. 2001 Dec 13;23(12):1021–3.
Weber, R. S., et al. “Head and neck: Editorial.” Head and Neck, vol. 23, no. 12, Dec. 2001, pp. 1021–23. Scopus, doi:10.1002/hed.1148.
Weber RS, Abemayor E, Adams GL, Adelstein DJ, Alavi A, Alford E, Al-Sarraf M, Alvi A, Ambinder R, Amdur R, Amedee RG, Anand VK, Andersen P, Anderson T, Ang KK, Antonelli PJ, Ariyan S, Aviv JE, Ayala A, Baatenburg de Jong RJ, Backous D, Bailey BJ, Baker S, Baloch ZW, Barnes EL, Barrera J, Bastian R, Batsakis JG, Bauman N, Becker D, Beenken S, Beitler JJ, Berke G, Blacklock JB, Blackwell K, Blitzer A, Blom E, Bolger WE, Bone RC, Boyd J, Boyd D, Boyle J, Braakhuis B, Bradford C, Bradley PJ, Brakenhoff R, Breitbart W, Brizel D, Brock WA, Brown RE, Brown A, Buatti J, Burgess MA, Burkey B, Busse P, Byers RM, Cabanillas F, Cady B, Calcaterra T, Calhoun K, Califano J. J, Callender DL, Campbell BH, Carew J, Carey T, Carey TE, Carrau RL, Carroll WR, Cassisi NJ, Chalian AA, Charous S, Chen A, Cheney M, Cheville A, Chonkich G, Chonkick G, Civantos F, Clark KF, Clayman G, Close LG, Cohen JI, Coleman JJ, Coleves AD, Coltrera MD, Cooper J, Costantino P, Cotton RT, Couch M, Crumley RL, Cullen K, Cummings C, Cunningham M, Curley SA, D’Agostino J, Davidson BJ, Davidson TM, Davis RK, Davis RE, Day T, Delclos L. Head and neck: Editorial. Head and Neck. 2001 Dec 13;23(12):1021–1023.

Published In
Head and Neck
Publication Date
December 13, 2001
Start / End Page
1021 / 1023
Related Subject Headings
- Otorhinolaryngology
- 3203 Dentistry
- 3202 Clinical sciences
- 1105 Dentistry
- 1103 Clinical Sciences