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[New evidence of the antigenic relation between the viruses of epidemic neuropathy and the human nervous system. A study of the immune cellular response in patients with epidemic neuropathy and controls. A review of the topic].

Publication ,  Journal Article
Sierra Vázquez, B; Más Lago, P; Pérez, AB; Sarmiento Pérez, L; Bello Corredor, M; Avalos Redón, I; Resik Aguirre, S; Denny, T; Gissel García ...
Published in: Rev Cubana Med Trop

A series of experiments was made at the Virology Department of the "Pedro Kourí" Institute of Tropical Medicine aimed at obtaining new evidences on the possible antigenic relations existing between the viruses isolated from patients with epidemic neuropathy and the structures of the human nervous system. According to the results it may be finally inferred that the persistence and/or autoimmunity may be considered as mechanisms through which the studied viruses participate in the etiopathogenesis of the epidemic neuropathy in Cuba. For future experiments it is very important to identify the possible viral epitopes involved in the molecular mimicry that are responsible for the probable autoimmune mechanisms or for the viral persistence.

Duke Scholars

Published In

Rev Cubana Med Trop



Publication Date



50 Suppl

Start / End Page

249 / 253



Related Subject Headings

  • Viruses
  • Rabbits
  • Peripheral Nervous System Diseases
  • Nervous System
  • Middle Aged
  • Microbiology
  • Male
  • Immunity, Cellular
  • Humans
  • Female


Sierra Vázquez, B., Más Lago, P., Pérez, A. B., Sarmiento Pérez, L., Bello Corredor, M., Avalos Redón, I., … Guzmán Tirado, M. G. (1998). [New evidence of the antigenic relation between the viruses of epidemic neuropathy and the human nervous system. A study of the immune cellular response in patients with epidemic neuropathy and controls. A review of the topic]. Rev Cubana Med Trop, 50 Suppl, 249–253.
Sierra Vázquez, B., P. Más Lago, A. B. Pérez, L. Sarmiento Pérez, M. Bello Corredor, I. Avalos Redón, S. Resik Aguirre, T. Denny, T. Gissel García, and M. G. Guzmán Tirado. “[New evidence of the antigenic relation between the viruses of epidemic neuropathy and the human nervous system. A study of the immune cellular response in patients with epidemic neuropathy and controls. A review of the topic].Rev Cubana Med Trop 50 Suppl (1998): 249–53.
Sierra Vázquez B, Más Lago P, Pérez AB, Sarmiento Pérez L, Bello Corredor M, Avalos Redón I, Resik Aguirre S, Denny T, Gissel García, Guzmán Tirado MG. [New evidence of the antigenic relation between the viruses of epidemic neuropathy and the human nervous system. A study of the immune cellular response in patients with epidemic neuropathy and controls. A review of the topic]. Rev Cubana Med Trop. 1998;50 Suppl:249–253.

Published In

Rev Cubana Med Trop



Publication Date



50 Suppl

Start / End Page

249 / 253



Related Subject Headings

  • Viruses
  • Rabbits
  • Peripheral Nervous System Diseases
  • Nervous System
  • Middle Aged
  • Microbiology
  • Male
  • Immunity, Cellular
  • Humans
  • Female