Technology transfer utilizing the proof-of-concept facility
The proof-of-concept (POC) facility model addresses the university-industry research gap and accelerates the transfer of new technology through engineering prototypes, data, and documentation. The generation of engineering prototypes which are qualified in a POC facility have several key requirements: (1) industry involvement with assignment of the appropriate researchers, (2) university involvement to initiate technology transfer, and (3) a unique facility which is flexible enough to handle both research and prototyping requirements. The semiconductor research corporation and MCNC have begun such a program. Precompetitive research which addresses an important industrial need is identified with the help of interested participants. A qualification plan is then generated by those companies for taking the research to the engineering prototype stage in the POC facility. The companies that share in the developmental costs are then provided with the results of the program. The program output is important in assisting the companies in making decisions about insertion of the technology into manufacturing with minimum investment of resources.