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Compact beta particle/positron imager for plant biology

Publication ,  Journal Article
Weisenberger, AG; Stolin, A; Kross, B; Lee, SJ; Majewski, S; McKisson, J; Xi, W; Zorn, C; Howell, CR; Crowell, AS; Reid, CD; Smith, MF
Published in: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record
December 1, 2010

The 11 CO2 tracer is used to facilitate plant biology research towards optimization of plant productivity, biofuel development and carbon sequestration in biomass. Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging has been used to study carbon transport in live plants using 11 CO 2. Plants typically have very thin leaves resulting in little medium for the emitted positrons to undergo an annihilation event. For the emitted positron from 11C decay approximately 1mm of water equivalent material is needed for positron annihilation. Thus most of the positrons do not annihilate inside the leaf, resulting in limited sensitivity for PET imaging. To address this problem we have developed a compact beta-positive beta-minus particle (BPBM) imager for 11 CO2 leaf imaging. The detector is based on a Hamamatsu H8500 position sensitive photomultiplier tube optically coupled via optical grease and a 3mm thick glass plate to a 0.5mm thick Eljin EJ-212 plastic scintillator. The detector is equipped with a flexible arm to allow its placement and orientation on the leaf of the plant of interest while maintaining the leaf's original orientation. We are planning to utilize the imaging device at the Duke University Phytotron to investigate dynamic carbon transport differences between invasive and native species. © 2010 IEEE.

Duke Scholars

Published In

IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record




Publication Date

December 1, 2010

Start / End Page

1752 / 1754


Weisenberger, A. G., Stolin, A., Kross, B., Lee, S. J., Majewski, S., McKisson, J., … Smith, M. F. (2010). Compact beta particle/positron imager for plant biology. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 1752–1754.
Weisenberger, A. G., A. Stolin, B. Kross, S. J. Lee, S. Majewski, J. McKisson, W. Xi, et al. “Compact beta particle/positron imager for plant biology.” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, December 1, 2010, 1752–54.
Weisenberger AG, Stolin A, Kross B, Lee SJ, Majewski S, McKisson J, et al. Compact beta particle/positron imager for plant biology. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record. 2010 Dec 1;1752–4.
Weisenberger, A. G., et al. “Compact beta particle/positron imager for plant biology.” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Dec. 2010, pp. 1752–54. Scopus, doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2010.5874074.
Weisenberger AG, Stolin A, Kross B, Lee SJ, Majewski S, McKisson J, Xi W, Zorn C, Howell CR, Crowell AS, Reid CD, Smith MF. Compact beta particle/positron imager for plant biology. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record. 2010 Dec 1;1752–1754.

Published In

IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record




Publication Date

December 1, 2010

Start / End Page

1752 / 1754