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Imaging pigment chemistry in melanocytic conjunctival lesions with pump-probe microscopy

Publication ,  Chapter
Wilson, JW; Vajzovic, L; Robles, FE; Cummings, TJ; Mruthyunjaya, P; Warren, WS
June 7, 2013

We extend nonlinear pump-probe microscopy, recently demonstrated to image the microscopic distribution of eumelanin and pheomelanin in unstained skin biopsy sections, to the case of melanocytic conjunctival lesions. The microscopic distribution of pigmentation chemistry serves as a functional indicator of melanocyte activity. In these conjunctival specimens (benign nevi, primary acquired melanoses, and conjunctival melanoma), we have observed pump-probe spectroscopic signatures of eumelanin, pheomelanin, hemoglobin, and surgical ink, in addition to important structural features that differentiate benign from malignant lesions. We will also discuss prospects for an in vivo 'optical biopsy' to provide additional information before having to perform invasive procedures. © 2013 Copyright SPIE.

Duke Scholars


Publication Date

June 7, 2013




Wilson, J. W., Vajzovic, L., Robles, F. E., Cummings, T. J., Mruthyunjaya, P., & Warren, W. S. (2013). Imaging pigment chemistry in melanocytic conjunctival lesions with pump-probe microscopy (Vol. 8567).
Wilson, J. W., L. Vajzovic, F. E. Robles, T. J. Cummings, P. Mruthyunjaya, and W. S. Warren. “Imaging pigment chemistry in melanocytic conjunctival lesions with pump-probe microscopy,” Vol. 8567, 2013.
Wilson JW, Vajzovic L, Robles FE, Cummings TJ, Mruthyunjaya P, Warren WS. Imaging pigment chemistry in melanocytic conjunctival lesions with pump-probe microscopy. In 2013.
Wilson, J. W., et al. Imaging pigment chemistry in melanocytic conjunctival lesions with pump-probe microscopy. Vol. 8567, 2013. Scopus, doi:10.1117/12.2003137.
Wilson JW, Vajzovic L, Robles FE, Cummings TJ, Mruthyunjaya P, Warren WS. Imaging pigment chemistry in melanocytic conjunctival lesions with pump-probe microscopy. 2013.


Publication Date

June 7, 2013
