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Weight regulation practices in athletes: analysis of metabolic and health effects.

Publication ,  Journal Article
Brownell, KD; Steen, SN; Wilmore, JH
Published in: Medicine and science in sports and exercise
December 1987

Athletes engage in a number of dietary and weight control practices which may influence metabolism, health, and performance. This paper reviews the literature on these factors with special emphasis on athletes who show large, frequent, and rapid fluctuations in weight (wrestlers) and athletes who maintain low weight and low percent body fat (e.g., distance runners, gymnasts, and figure skaters). A theory is presented which relates these weight patterns and the accompanying dietary habits to changes in body composition, metabolism, metabolic activity of adipose tissue, and the distribution of body fat. Changes in these physiological variables may be manifested in enhanced food efficiency (weight as a function of caloric intake) as the body seeks to protect and replenish its energy stores. This may explain the surprisingly low caloric intakes of some athletes. The health status of the athlete is a concern in this regard because there may be changes in fat distribution, risk factors for cardiovascular disease, and hormonal factors associated with reproductive functioning in both females and males. Amenorrhea in female athletes may be mediated at least in part by regional fat distribution; depletion of femoral fat depots (lactational energy reserves) may be the stimulus for cessation or disruption of menses.

Duke Scholars

Published In

Medicine and science in sports and exercise





Publication Date

December 1987





Start / End Page

546 / 556

Related Subject Headings

  • Testosterone
  • Sports
  • Sport Sciences
  • Nutritional Physiological Phenomena
  • Metabolism
  • Male
  • Humans
  • Female
  • Diet
  • Body Weight


Brownell, K. D., Steen, S. N., & Wilmore, J. H. (1987). Weight regulation practices in athletes: analysis of metabolic and health effects. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 19(6), 546–556.
Brownell, K. D., S. N. Steen, and J. H. Wilmore. “Weight regulation practices in athletes: analysis of metabolic and health effects.Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 19, no. 6 (December 1987): 546–56.
Brownell KD, Steen SN, Wilmore JH. Weight regulation practices in athletes: analysis of metabolic and health effects. Medicine and science in sports and exercise. 1987 Dec;19(6):546–56.
Brownell, K. D., et al. “Weight regulation practices in athletes: analysis of metabolic and health effects.Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, vol. 19, no. 6, Dec. 1987, pp. 546–56.
Brownell KD, Steen SN, Wilmore JH. Weight regulation practices in athletes: analysis of metabolic and health effects. Medicine and science in sports and exercise. 1987 Dec;19(6):546–556.

Published In

Medicine and science in sports and exercise





Publication Date

December 1987





Start / End Page

546 / 556

Related Subject Headings

  • Testosterone
  • Sports
  • Sport Sciences
  • Nutritional Physiological Phenomena
  • Metabolism
  • Male
  • Humans
  • Female
  • Diet
  • Body Weight