Teaching Activities
- Course Director: XXXIV Pan-American Congress of Ophthalmology. Course: "Electrophysiology in the era of Gene Therapy". Cancun, Mexico, 2019
- Founding member and developer of the Pan-American Inherited Retinal Diseases Group. We hold weekly meetings to present cases, lectures, journal clubs. Developed curriculum for International IRD Fellowship.
- Annual lectures to ophthalmology residents. Topics: 1) Electrophysiology 2) Optics 3) Ophthalmic Lasers 4) Uveitis.
- Member of the Organizing Committee for “Focus on Fellows” symposium. National Eye Institute, Bethesda, MD. July 2017
- Member of Organizing Committee for “Duke Pediatric Retinal Imaging Course.” Duke Eye Center, Durham, NC, September 2010.