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George A. Truskey

R. Eugene and Susie E. Goodson Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Box 90281, Durham, NC 27708-0281
1395 Fciemas, 101 Science Drive, Durham, NC 27708-0281


My research interests focus upon the effect of physical forces on the function of vascular cells and skeletal muscle, cell adhesion, and the design of engineered tissues.  Current research projects examine the  effect of endothelial cell senescence upon permeability to macromolecules and the response to fluid shear stress, the development of microphysiological blood vessels and muscles for evaluation of drug toxicity and the design of engineered endothelialized blood vessels and skeletal muscle bundles.

Current Appointments & Affiliations

R. Eugene and Susie E. Goodson Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering · 2011 - Present Biomedical Engineering, Pratt School of Engineering
Professor of Biomedical Engineering · 2000 - Present Biomedical Engineering, Pratt School of Engineering
Affiliate of the Duke Initiative for Science & Society · 2014 - Present Duke Science & Society, Initiatives
Affiliate of the Duke Regeneration Center · 2021 - Present Duke Regeneration Center, Basic Science Departments

Education, Training & Certifications

Massachusetts Institute of Technology · 1985 Ph.D.
University of Pennsylvania · 1979 B.S.E.