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Joel Meyer

Sally Kleberg Distinguished Professorship
Environmental Sciences and Policy
Box 90328, Durham, NC 27708-0328
A354 Lev Sci Res Ctr, Durham, NC 27708

Selected Grants

Duke University Program in Environmental Health

Inst. Training Prgm or CMEPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2019 - 2029

Which mechanisms of pollutant-induced mitochondrial dysfunction cause dopaminergic neurodegeneration?

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2023 - 2027

Accelerated Aging in Gulf War Illness: Phenotypes, Epigenetic Biomarkers and Associations with Gulf War Exposures

ResearchCo Investigator · Awarded by Department of Defense · 2023 - 2027

A Randomized Phase II Clinical Trial of L-Citrulline to Improve Asthma Control in Obese Late Onset Asthma

Clinical TrialCo Investigator · Awarded by University of Colorado - Denver · 2019 - 2026

An acoustofluidic device for high-resolution 3D imaging and sorting of C. elegans without anesthetics

ResearchCo Investigator · Awarded by Ascent Bio-Nano Technologies, Inc. · 2022 - 2025

Duke University Program in Environmental Health

Inst. Training Prgm or CMEPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2019 - 2029

Which mechanisms of pollutant-induced mitochondrial dysfunction cause dopaminergic neurodegeneration?

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2023 - 2027

Accelerated Aging in Gulf War Illness: Phenotypes, Epigenetic Biomarkers and Associations with Gulf War Exposures

ResearchCo Investigator · Awarded by Department of Defense · 2023 - 2027

A Randomized Phase II Clinical Trial of L-Citrulline to Improve Asthma Control in Obese Late Onset Asthma

Clinical TrialCo Investigator · Awarded by University of Colorado - Denver · 2019 - 2026

An acoustofluidic device for high-resolution 3D imaging and sorting of C. elegans without anesthetics

ResearchCo Investigator · Awarded by Ascent Bio-Nano Technologies, Inc. · 2022 - 2025

IPA for Ian Ryde

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by VA New Jersey Health Care System · 2020 - 2021

GW150184 Mitochondrial dysfunction and Gulf War Illness

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by United States Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity · 2016 - 2021

Center for Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology

ResearchInvestigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 2008 - 2021

Exercise, MANF, and chemical-induced neurodegeneration

ResearchMentor · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2019 - 2020

Pharmacological Sciences Training Program

Inst. Training Prgm or CMEParticipating Faculty Member · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 1975 - 2020

Are mitochondria a major target of antimicrobial silver nanoparticles?

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2017 - 2020

Role of Mitochondrial CYP2E1 in Chemical Exposure-Driven Neurodegeneration

FellowshipPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2016 - 2019

Cooperative Program in Nanomaterials Hazard and Exposure Assessment Traineeships (NanoHEAT)

Inst. Training Prgm or CMEMentor · Awarded by Environmental Protection Agency · 2015 - 2018

IPA for Ian Ryde

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by VA New Jersey Health Care System · 2017 - 2018

Mental Stress-Induced Left Ventricular Dysfunction and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Women

ResearchCo Investigator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2018 - 2018

REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology

Inst. Training Prgm or CMEMentor · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 2014 - 2018

Fluoride and human health: Assessing novel biomarkers in detecting bone disorder

ResearchCollaborator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2015 - 2017

Genetic sensitivity to mitochondrial toxicity

FellowshipPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2016 - 2017

The Role of Mitochondrial DNA Damage in Neurodegeneration

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2011 - 2017

REU: Research Experience for Undergraudates on Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology

Inst. Training Prgm or CMEMentor · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 2010 - 2014


EquipmentCollaborator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2009 - 2010

Fellowships, Gifts, and Supported Research

Racial Inequality Research Grant: Environmental Health Study of the Pauli Murray Center · 2022 PI · Duke Office of Provost
Reckoning with Race, Racism, and the History of the American South Initiative: Making bonds, breaking bonds: Chemical industries, environmental justice, and the global history of race in the American South · 2021 Co-Lead · Duke Office of the Provost

External Relationships

  • Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
  • UNC Chapel Hill
  • Universidad del Valle de Guatemala

This faculty member (or a member of their immediate family) has reported outside activities with the companies, institutions, or organizations listed above. This information is available to institutional leadership and, when appropriate, management plans are in place to address potential conflicts of interest.