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John H. Willis

Professor of Biology
Box 90338, Department of Biology, Durham, NC 27708-0338
3314 French Science Center, Science Drive, Durham, NC 27708

Selected Presentations & Appearances

Departmental Seminar, Department of Molecular and Computational Biology, University of Southern California · October 25, 2013 Lecture Los Angeles, CA
Symposium Speaker, American Genetic Association Annual Symposium, A Discussion on the Origin of Species, Cornell University · July 21, 2013 Lecture Ithaca, NY
Graduate Student Invited Departmental Seminar, Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Chicago · April 1, 2013 Lecture Chicago, IL
Note: Due to a family emergency I had to cancel three invited seminars during summer 2012, including a symposium in Scotland that I co-organized. I also had to cancel a fall 2012 invitation due to conflict with teaching schedule. · December 29, 2012 Lecture
Speaker at Symposium on Micro-Evo-Devo: Flower Form and Function sponsored by NSF Research Coordination Network · May 13, 2012 Lecture Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, Boston, MA
Departmental Seminar, Department of Molecular and Computational Biology, University of Southern California · October 25, 2013 Lecture Los Angeles, CA
Symposium Speaker, American Genetic Association Annual Symposium, A Discussion on the Origin of Species, Cornell University · July 21, 2013 Lecture Ithaca, NY
Graduate Student Invited Departmental Seminar, Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Chicago · April 1, 2013 Lecture Chicago, IL
Note: Due to a family emergency I had to cancel three invited seminars during summer 2012, including a symposium in Scotland that I co-organized. I also had to cancel a fall 2012 invitation due to conflict with teaching schedule. · December 29, 2012 Lecture
Speaker at Symposium on Micro-Evo-Devo: Flower Form and Function sponsored by NSF Research Coordination Network · May 13, 2012 Lecture Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, Boston, MA
Departmental Seminar, Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara · April 16, 2012 Lecture Santa Barbara, CA
Plenary Lecture, Ecological Genetics Group Meeting · April 11, 2012 Lecture Edinburgh Conference Centre, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland
Ecological Genetics Seminar, Department of Biology, University of Oulu · March 2, 2012 Lecture Oulu, Finland
Departmental Seminar, Department of Biology, University of Oulu · March 1, 2012 Lecture Oulu, Finland
Plenary Talk, Marie Curie Symposium, Progress in Understanding the Origins of Biodiversity · February 27, 2012 Lecture University of Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla, Finland
Invited speaker, Department of Biology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA · November 11, 2011 Lecture
Invited speaker, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ · November 7, 2011 Lecture
Keynote speaker, Evolutionary Biology Forum, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China · October 13, 2011 Lecture
Invited speaker, Symposium on Frontiers in Plant Biology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China · October 9, 2011 Lecture
Invited speaker, Cornell Center for Comparative and Population Genomics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY · October 3, 2011 Lecture
Invited speaker, Symposium on Molecular Tools and Ecology, Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of American, Austin, TX · August 9, 2011 Lecture
Invited speaker, 18th Biennial Penn State Plant Biology Symposium on Plant Evolutionary Genomics, Penn State University, University Park, PA · May 20, 2011 Lecture
Invited speaker, Quantitative Trait Locus Mapping Workshop, Department of Ecology and Genetics, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden · April 7, 2011 Lecture
Invited Speaker, Department of Biology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway · February 10, 2011 Lecture
Invited Speaker, Session on Speciation Genomics, Plant and Animal Genome Conference 2011, San Diego, CA · January 15, 2011 Lecture
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada · December 17, 2010 Lecture
Invited Speaker, Session on Natural Variation and Adaptation, XVII Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology, Valencia, Spain · July 6, 2010 Lecture
Invited Speaker for Symposium on Adaptive Responses During Plant Development and Evolution, Wenner-Gren Foundation, Kristineberg/Fiskebäckskil, Sweden · July 3, 2010 Lecture
Department of Plant Developmental Biology, Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne, Germany · May 19, 2010 Lecture
Student-Invited Speaker for Departmental Seminar Series, Population Biology Graduate Program, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA · April 23, 2010 Lecture
Student-Invited Speaker for Workshop on Genomics and Evolution, Population Biology Graduate Program, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA · April 22, 2010 Lecture
Department of Genetics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC · April 12, 2010 Lecture
Department of Zoology · December 9, 2009 Lecture Uinversity of British Columbia; Vancouver, BC Canada
Invited Speaker for Royal Society Discussion Meeting: Genetics and the Causes of Evolution: 150 Years of Progress Since Darwin · November 12, 2009 Lecture The Royal Society; London, England
Keynote Speaker; Symposium on Molecular Evolution II: Speciation · October 27, 2009 Lecture 9th International Plant Molecular Biology Congress; St. Louis, MO
Colloquium Speaker; Max-Planck-Institutes for Developmental Biology and for Biological Cybernetics and the Friedrich-Miescher Laboratory · June 17, 2009 Lecture Tuebingen, Germany
Invited Speaker for Symposium on Molecular Basis of Speciation; 2009 Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution · June 4, 2009 Lecture University of Iowa; Iowa City, IA
Invited Plant Reproduction and Mating Systems Symposium Speaker, Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution · May 16, 2009 Lecture Dalhousie University; Halifax, Nova Scotia; CA
Department of Biology · April 10, 2009 Lecture Reed College; Portland, OR
Department of Biology · April 9, 2009 Lecture University of Pittsburgh; Pittsburgh, PA
2009 JGI Users Meeting · March 26, 2009 Lecture DOE's Joint Genome Institute; Walnut Creek, CA
Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture · March 19, 2009 Lecture Purdue University; West Lafayette, IN
Department of Biology · March 5, 2009 Lecture University of Utah; Salt Lake City, UT
Opening talk: iPlant Collaborative Grand Challenge Workshop on Plant Adaptation; Biosphere2, University of Arizona; Tucson, AZ · October 1, 2008 Lecture
19th New Phytologist Symposium - Physiological Sculpture of Plants: new visions and capabilities for crop development; Timberline Lodge; Mount Hood, OR · September 18, 2008 Lecture
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics; University of Amsterdam; Amsterdam, The Netherlands · June 26, 2008 Lecture
Gatsby Foundation Meeting on the Future of Plant Evolutionary Genomics at The Royal Society; London, UK · June 19, 2008 Lecture
Invited Speaker, IDEG 2008 Symposium: Integrating Evolution, Development, & Genomics; University of California Berkeley; Berkeley, CA · May 30, 2008 Lecture
Evolutionary Biology; University of Wisconsin; Madison, WI · April 17, 2008 Lecture
Department of Genetics; University of Wisconsin; Madison, WI · April 16, 2008 Lecture
Keynote talk; iPlant Collaborative Kickoff; Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; Cold Spring Harbor, NY; · April 8, 2008 Lecture
Department of Biology; University of Massachusetts Amhearst; Amhearst, MA · April 3, 2008 Lecture
Department of Biology; Indiana University; Bloomington, Indiana · March 28, 2008 Lecture

Service to the Profession

Participant - Faculty Curriculum on Anti-Racism · January 11, 2021 - January 14, 2021 Professional Development Duke Office of Faculty Advancement,
Panel Member, Organism-Environment Interactions Program, Division of Integrated Organismal Systems, National Science Foundation · October 13, 2010 Committee Service