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Mohamed A. F. Noor

Professor of Biology
Duke Box 90338, Biology Department, Durham, NC 27708-4129
130 Science Drive, Room 137, Duke Box 90338, Durham, NC 27708

Selected Grants

Genetic and Genomics Training Grant

Inst. Training Prgm or CMEMentor · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2020 - 2025

Genetics and evolution of lethal alleles in Drosophila

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 2021 - 2024

Biddle 2022 A&S Proposal

Institutional SupportPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Mary Duke Biddle Foundation · 2019 - 2022

Collaborative Research: Reversing evolution to understand the genetic basis of species divergence

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 2018 - 2022

SG: An experimental test of the role of chromosomal inversions in adaptive evolution

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 2018 - 2020

Genetic and Genomics Training Grant

Inst. Training Prgm or CMEMentor · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2020 - 2025

Genetics and evolution of lethal alleles in Drosophila

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 2021 - 2024

Biddle 2022 A&S Proposal

Institutional SupportPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Mary Duke Biddle Foundation · 2019 - 2022

Collaborative Research: Reversing evolution to understand the genetic basis of species divergence

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 2018 - 2022

SG: An experimental test of the role of chromosomal inversions in adaptive evolution

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 2018 - 2020

EAGER: Test for local adaptation of recombination rate

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 2015 - 2019

Fine-scale Recombination, Variation, Divergence, and Codon Bias in Drosophila

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2009 - 2015

DISSERTATION RESEARCH: The Role of Mating System in Sperm Competition and Protein Evolution in /Agelaius/ Blackbirds

Inst. Training Prgm or CMECo-Principal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 2011 - 2014

DISSERTATION RESEARCH: The Epigenetic Regulation of Meiotic Recombination

Inst. Training Prgm or CMEPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 2012 - 2014

Workshop for Graduate Students on Communicating Science

ConferencePrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 2012 - 2012

Genetics of Speciation in Drosophila Pseudoobscura

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2007 - 2012

DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Male-mediated effects on female germline recombination rates

Inst. Training Prgm or CMEPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 2009 - 2011

DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Genetic causes of hybrid sterility

Inst. Training Prgm or CMEPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 2008 - 2010

Chromosomal Inversions and the Persistence of Species

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 2005 - 2009

Molecular Basis of Reproductive Isolation in Drosophila

FellowshipPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2005 - 2008

Genetics of hybrid sterility in Drosophila

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 2005 - 2008

Dissertation Research: A Test of Faster-X evolution in Lepidoptera.

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 2005 - 2007

Collaborative Research: Genetics of Speciation Factors in Drosophila Mojavensis

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 2005 - 2006

External Relationships

  • CBS/ Paramount
  • Entertainment Cruise Productions

This faculty member (or a member of their immediate family) has reported outside activities with the companies, institutions, or organizations listed above. This information is available to institutional leadership and, when appropriate, management plans are in place to address potential conflicts of interest.