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Oana Craciunescu

Professor of Radiation Oncology
Radiation Oncology
Box 3295 Med Ctr, Durham, NC
40 Medicine Circle Duke South, Box 3295, Durham, NC 27710

Selected Presentations & Appearances

Developing Modern Brachytherapy Teaching Tools, in session Brachytherapy: Basics to Advancements - Spring AAPM 2022 · March 2022 Invited Talk AAPM, New Orleans, LA
Institutional experience with improving GYN HDR brachytherapy: 3D printed GYN training phantoms and efficient MR/CT-based planning flow” - NEAAPM 2021 · 2021 Invited Talk Virtual

“Working on MRI Simulator for Medical Physicists Who Are Not Trained in MRI “ · July 2018 Invited Talk AAPM, Nashville, TN
“In-room imaging using film and CBCT”, · July 2017 Invited Talk AAPM,
“Modern Intracavitary Gynecologic Brachytherapy”, · July 2016 Invited Talk AAPM, Washington, DC
“CBCT Based Treatment Planning for GYN HDR Brachytherapy”, · April 2016 International Meeting or Conference World Congress of Brachytherapy, San Francisco, CA
“Implementing MR-Guided Adaptive Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer”, · July 2013 Invited Talk AAPM, Indianapolis, IN
“HDR Brachytherapy II: Integrating Imaging with HDR” · July 2013 Invited Talk AAPM, Austin, TX
“Image Guided Adaptive Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer” · July 2012 Invited Talk AAPM, Charlotte, NC
“Role and Limitations of Treatment Planning and Thermal Dosimetry in Clinical Hyperthermia” · April 2011 Invited Talk Society for Thermal Medicine, , New Orleans, LA
Imaging in Hyperthermia: From Treatment Planning and Delivery to Response and Prognosis” · April 2010 Invited Talk Society for Thermal Medicine, Clearwater Beach, FL
Towards patient specific, volumetric, imaged-based hyperthermia treatment planning, delivery and control” · 2008 Invited Talk Radiation Research Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA
“Role of DII in Estimating Response in Breast Cancer Patients with CW Recurrence Treated with Thermally Sensitive Liposomes Containing Doxorubicin and Hyperthermia”, · April 2007 International Meeting or Conference Joint Annual Meeting WCIO and STM, Washington, DC
Functional Imaging in Thermal Therapy of Breast Cancer · April 2006 Instructional Course, Workshop, or Symposium Society for Thermal Medicine , Bethesda,MD
Combined Dynamic-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DE-MRI) and Magnetic Resonance Thermal Imaging (MRTI) for Optimal Hyperthermia Treatment of Advanced Sarcomas of the Extremities · April 2006 Invited Talk Society for Thermal Medicine,
Potential Use of Non-contact, Non-invasive Breast Thermography to Evaluate Treatment Response in Breast Cancer Patients” · April 2005 - April 2005 Invited Talk Society for Thermal Medicine, Bethesda, MA
Using Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CE-MRI) to Characterize Tumor Changes during Neoadjuvant Treatment of Locally Advanced Breast Cancer Patients (LABC)” · April 2005 National Scientific Meeting Society for Thermal Medicine, Bethesda, MD
Using Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CE-MRI) to Characterize Tumor Changes during Neoadjuvant Treatment of Locally Advanced Breast Cancer Patients (LABC)”, · April 2005 - April 2005 Invited Talk Society for Thermal Medicine, Bethesda, MA
Hyperthermia Thermal Modeling Project: The Duke Experience", - Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the North American Hyperthermia Society · 2001 - 2001 Invited Talk San Juan, Puerto Rico

Outreach & Engaged Scholarship

Organizer - WAM, WiSE · March 9, 2018 - March 9, 2018 Community Outreach Duke WAM , Radiation Oncology flag United States of America Mentoring Outreach for WAM (Woman and Math) and WiSE (Woman in Science and Engineering) local chapters; organized a session about woman in STEM fields in Radiation Oncology for 34 middle school girls and their Duke graduate student mentors.

Service to the Profession

Member - Global Clinical Education and Training Committee (GCETC) · 2021 Committee Service AAPM,
PhD Thesis Examiner - Indian Institute of Technology Madras · 2016 - 2016 Other


Associate Editor - Medical Physics Journal · 2015 Editorial Activities
Grant Reviewer - 2. Swiss National Science Foundation · 2015 - 2018 Editorial Activities
Grant Reviewer - 1. Technology Foundation STW (member of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research), Utrecht, The Netherlands; · 2014 - 2014 Editorial Activities
Adhoc Consultant - Varian Medical Systems, Brachytherapy Division · 2012 - 2018 Consulting
Secretary/Treasurer - Society for Thermal Medicine · 2010 - 2013 Committee Service
Member Financial Committee - Society for Thermal Medicine · 2008 - 2013 Committee Service
Elected Council for Engineering/Physics - Society for Thermal Medicine · 2007 - 2009 Committee Service
Adhoc Manuscript Reviewer · 2003 Editorial Activities

1. Medical Physics
2. International Journal of Hyperthermia
3. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics
4. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics
5. Journal of Radiation Research
6. ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering
7. Annals of Biomedical Engineering
8. Journal of Biomechanics
9. Medical & Biological Engineering and Computing
10. National Heat Transfer Conference
11. Reviewer for AAPM and STM Annual meeting abstracts
12. Journal of Radiation Research
13. Brachytherapy
14. Practical Radiation Oncology

Session Chair - AAPM, STM, ASME · 2001 - 2018 Event Attendance

2001, co-chair, ASME New York, USA
2006, chair, World Congress of Biomedical Engineering, Munich, Germany
2008, co-chair, Radiation Research Society, Boston, USA
2010, chair, Society for Thermal Medicine, Clearwater, Fl, USA
2012, chair for three sessions, AAPM (American Association of Physicists in Medicine)
2013, chair Education Symposium, AAPM
2014, chair SAM Session, AAPM
2016, chair brachytherapy session, AAPM

Service to Duke

Culture Committee (Department) · 2018 Committee Service Medical Physics Graduate Program,
MPAC (Department) · 2018 Committee Service Medical Physics Graduate Program,
“Cultural” Task Force (Department) · 2017 - 2017 Committee Service Medical Physics Graduate Program,
Screener/Interviewer (MMI) . Admissions · 2016 Other Duke School of Medicine,
Task Force: “Re-envisioning Medical Physics” (Department) · 2016 - 2017 Committee Service Medical Physics Graduate Program,
Co-Chair, Admission Committee (University) · 2016 - 2018 Committee Service Medical Physics Graduate Program,
Admission Committee (University) · 2014 - 2016 Committee Service Medical Physics Graduate Program,

Academic & Administrative Activities


2013-present: member, Duke Medical Physics Graduate Program's Performance Committee

2014-present, member, Duke Medical Physics Graduate Program’s Admission Committee

2014-present, member, Duke Medical Physics Graduate Program’s Admission Committee

2015-present, co-chair, Duke Medical Physics Graduate Program’s Admission Committee; 2017 interim chair

2015-2020, member, Duke School of Medicine application screener/MMI interviewer

2016-2017, member, Duke Medical Physics Graduate Program’s Task Force:

“Re-envisioning Medical Physics”

2016-2017, member, Duke Medical Physics Graduate Program’s “Cultural” Task Force.

2016-2019, co-organizer (RT Track) Distinguished Lecture Series for the Duke Medical Physics Graduate


2018-present, elected at-large MPAC, Duke Medical Physics Graduate Program

2018-2019, chair of the Culture, Diversity and Equality Committee, Duke Medical Physics Graduate Program

            (Resigned Feb. 2019 due to personal problems); 2021-presnt, co-chair of this committee.

2018-present, physics representative on the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Department of Radiation

            Oncology, Duke University Medical Center

2018-present, member of the DKU admission committee

2020-present, elected RT Track Director, Duke Medical Physics Graduate Program;

2021-2022: As RT Track Director I proposed and helped to get approval for the new 1 credit RT Elective on Treatment Planning instructed by Dr. Chunhao Wang.

2020-present, member External Liaison Committee, Duke Medical Physics Graduate Program

2020-present, member Curriculum Committee, Duke Medical Physics Graduate Program

2022: Invited Panelist for “Picture a Scientist” organized by the Radiation Oncology DEI group and the MP

 Program Culture Committee

2020-present: Member (since inception) of the Radiation Oncology Department DEI group, Member of the

            Physics DEI group (graduate of the Teach for Equity workshop organized by Duke SOM 2021)


Clinical Activities

Clinical Experience (general experience):


  1. 1.      Accelerator acceptance, commissioning (Varian 600, 2100 EX), QA and imaging QA (Varian 600, 2100 EX and True Beam Series);
  2. 2.      Acuity simulator with CBCT capability: commissioned brachy-specific CBCT techniques, QA
  3. 3.      BK Focus 500 US commissioning and QA
  4. 4.      TBI/TSI commissioning on 21EX and True Beam Series: standing and floor technique
  5. 5.      IMRT commissioning (21EX series) and planning
  6. 6.      Treatment Planning Systems proficiency: Eclipse, BrachyVision, VariSeed, Vitesse
  7. 7.      4DTC acquisition
  8. 8.      SBRT for pelvic sites (GYN)
  9. 9.      HDR afterloader acceptance, commissioning and QA (Varian and Nucletron equipment),
  10. 10.  LDR/HDR commissioning of TPS, LDR prostate, LDR T&O, LDR interstitial, LDR eye plaques, HDR gyn, endobronchial, interstitial;
  11. 11.  LDR and HDR applicator commissioning and QA
  12. 12.  Commissioned several in-vivo dosimetry systems: MOSFETS, OneDose
  13. 13.  Hyperthermia superficial and deep heating BSD equipment commissioning and QA
  14. 14.  Other: MIM, Velocity


Clinical Experience (Leadership):


2003-2010; 2015(temp): Lead physicist TBI/TSI team:

  1. Commissioned TBI/TSI
  2. Developed clinical procedures
  3. In-service for therapists
  4. Rotation supervision for MP Residency program: large field dosimetry
  5. Wrote physics section of multi institutional SCOT protocol and served as main QA site and physics consultant for the protocol
  6. Implemented paperless documentation for these procedures

2003-present: Lead physicist on rotation basis of one of the linear accelerators

  1. Responsible for day-to-day correct function of the linac
  2. Performing QA after upgrades to hardware or software by manufacturer
  3. Check daily QA
  4. Perform monthly and annual QA and imaging QA
  5. Since 2006 trained MP students and residents on linac function and maintenance.

2008-2017: Lead physicist Brachytherapy team

  1. Commissioned Varian (GMPiX) HDR afterloaders
  2. Commissioned and configured TPS: BrachyVision, Vitesse
  3. Implemented MR-based treatment planning for GYN HDR applications
  4. Commissioned HDR applicators: T&O (LDR and HDR), T&R, vaginal stump cylinders, Miami, Capri, endobronchial catheters, HDR needles for GYN and prostate applications, HAM applicators, COMS Eye Plaques
  5. Commissioned US-based, real time HDR for prostate patients
  6. Calibrations for HDR source, LDR seeds and sources
  7. Implemented TG129 for LDR Eye Plaque Program
  8. Developed clinical and QA procedures for all HDR applications; Co-developed clinical and QA procedures for most LDR applications (over 40 procedures)
  9. Accepted and commissioned BK Focus 500 US system
  10. Active member of team: planning, QA, delivery
  11. Implemented paperless documentation for these procedures
  12. Schedule all procedures coverage
  13. Evaluated brachytherapy program at Duke Cancer Center Macon Pond and make recommendations
  14. Rotation supervisor for MP Residency program: Brachytherapy
  15. Guided, supervised and reviewed residents clinical research projects
  16. Invited symposia organizer and chair for AAPM 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015(deferred to a colleague due to inability to attend), 2016, ABS 2016
  17. Adhoc consultant for Varian Medical Systems Brachytherapy division (2012-present)

2009-2014: Lead physicist Sarcoma planning team; 2009-present: Lead physicist Gynecological Malignancies planning team

  1. Worked closely with dosimetry to develop simulation flows for the different type treatments
  2. Implemented IMRT and VMAT planning for GYN malignancies and sarcomas
  3. Actively involved in planning cases
  4. Trained dosimetrists on the team
  5. Check all IMRT/VMAT plans before presenting to physician
  6. Trained MP residents rotating in dosimetry
  7. Department morning talks on GYN Planning
  8. Guided, supervised and reviewed dosimetrists/residents clinical research projects