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Allison Kinder Ross

Professor of Anesthesiology
Anesthesiology, Pediatrics
Box 3094 Med Ctr, Durham, NC 27710
2301 Erwin Road, 5672A Hafs Building, Durham, NC 27710

Selected Publications

Postanesthesia Care Unit Management

Chapter · January 1, 2020 In infants, perioperative anesthetic morbidity is higher than in other age groups, which underscores the importance of the dedicated pediatric postanesthesia care unit (PACU). The pediatric PACU environment requires careful planning and ongoing maintenance ... Full text Cite

Analysis of the impact of race on blood transfusion in pediatric scoliosis surgery.

Journal Article Paediatr Anaesth · April 2018 INTRODUCTION: Surgical correction of pediatric scoliosis is associated with significant blood loss. Minimizing estimated blood loss and blood transfusion is beneficial as transfusions have been associated with increased morbidity, including risk of surgica ... Full text Link to item Cite

The association between caudal anesthesia and increased risk of postoperative surgical complications in boys undergoing hypospadias repair.

Journal Article Paediatr Anaesth · July 2017 INTRODUCTION: Recent reports have suggested that caudal anesthesia may be associated with an increased risk of postoperative surgical complications. We examined our experience with caudal anesthesia in hypospadias repair to evaluate for increased risk of u ... Full text Link to item Cite

Postanesthesia care unit management

Journal Article · December 9, 2011 The pediatric postanesthesia care unit is an environment where a child is able to recover from their anesthesia safely and comfortably. However, there are many requirements that must be met for these goals to be achieved. The equipment and monitoring that ... Full text Cite

Impact of hydroxyurea on perioperative management and outcomes in children with sickle cell anemia.

Journal Article J Pediatr Hematol Oncol · October 2011 Hydroxyurea has enhanced the treatment for children with sickle cell anemia. The objectives of this study were to compare perioperative transfusions and outcomes for children taking hydroxyurea versus those not taking hydroxyurea. We retrospectively review ... Full text Link to item Cite

Regional Anesthesia

Chapter · March 2, 2011 Full text Cite

Intraosseous infusions: a review for the anesthesiologist with a focus on pediatric use.

Journal Article Anesth Analg · February 1, 2010 Intraosseous (IO) access is used most frequently for emergency care of critically ill infants and children when IV access cannot be rapidly achieved. Despite its efficacy in such situations, applications outside of the emergency room or resuscitation scena ... Full text Link to item Cite

Essentials of Nephrology

Journal Article · December 1, 2009 Full text Cite

Consent issues and pediatric regional anesthesia.

Journal Article Paediatr Anaesth · October 2009 The need for consent to regional anesthetic procedures varies considerably between countries. It is likely that legislation and professional guidance will tighten consent procedures, and in several countries detailed written consent is required for regiona ... Full text Link to item Cite

Teasing apart the heterogeneity of autism: Same behavior, different brains in toddlers with fragile X syndrome and autism.

Journal Article J Neurodev Disord · March 2009 To examine brain volumes in substructures associated with the behavioral features of children with FXS compared to children with idiopathic autism and controls. A cross-sectional study of brain substructures was conducted at the first time-point as part of ... Full text Link to item Cite

Essentials of nephrology

Chapter · December 1, 2008 Full text Cite

Cardiac arrhythmias following anesthesia induction in infantile-onset Pompe disease: a case series.

Journal Article Paediatr Anaesth · August 2007 BACKGROUND: Patients with infantile-onset Pompe disease suffer from marked hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and an increased risk of arrhythmia. A noncompliant left ventricle predisposes these infants to diastolic heart failure with elevated left ventricular en ... Full text Link to item Cite

Postanesthesia Care Unit Management

Chapter · January 1, 2020 In infants, perioperative anesthetic morbidity is higher than in other age groups, which underscores the importance of the dedicated pediatric postanesthesia care unit (PACU). The pediatric PACU environment requires careful planning and ongoing maintenance ... Full text Cite

Analysis of the impact of race on blood transfusion in pediatric scoliosis surgery.

Journal Article Paediatr Anaesth · April 2018 INTRODUCTION: Surgical correction of pediatric scoliosis is associated with significant blood loss. Minimizing estimated blood loss and blood transfusion is beneficial as transfusions have been associated with increased morbidity, including risk of surgica ... Full text Link to item Cite

The association between caudal anesthesia and increased risk of postoperative surgical complications in boys undergoing hypospadias repair.

Journal Article Paediatr Anaesth · July 2017 INTRODUCTION: Recent reports have suggested that caudal anesthesia may be associated with an increased risk of postoperative surgical complications. We examined our experience with caudal anesthesia in hypospadias repair to evaluate for increased risk of u ... Full text Link to item Cite

Postanesthesia care unit management

Journal Article · December 9, 2011 The pediatric postanesthesia care unit is an environment where a child is able to recover from their anesthesia safely and comfortably. However, there are many requirements that must be met for these goals to be achieved. The equipment and monitoring that ... Full text Cite

Impact of hydroxyurea on perioperative management and outcomes in children with sickle cell anemia.

Journal Article J Pediatr Hematol Oncol · October 2011 Hydroxyurea has enhanced the treatment for children with sickle cell anemia. The objectives of this study were to compare perioperative transfusions and outcomes for children taking hydroxyurea versus those not taking hydroxyurea. We retrospectively review ... Full text Link to item Cite

Regional Anesthesia

Chapter · March 2, 2011 Full text Cite

Intraosseous infusions: a review for the anesthesiologist with a focus on pediatric use.

Journal Article Anesth Analg · February 1, 2010 Intraosseous (IO) access is used most frequently for emergency care of critically ill infants and children when IV access cannot be rapidly achieved. Despite its efficacy in such situations, applications outside of the emergency room or resuscitation scena ... Full text Link to item Cite

Essentials of Nephrology

Journal Article · December 1, 2009 Full text Cite

Consent issues and pediatric regional anesthesia.

Journal Article Paediatr Anaesth · October 2009 The need for consent to regional anesthetic procedures varies considerably between countries. It is likely that legislation and professional guidance will tighten consent procedures, and in several countries detailed written consent is required for regiona ... Full text Link to item Cite

Teasing apart the heterogeneity of autism: Same behavior, different brains in toddlers with fragile X syndrome and autism.

Journal Article J Neurodev Disord · March 2009 To examine brain volumes in substructures associated with the behavioral features of children with FXS compared to children with idiopathic autism and controls. A cross-sectional study of brain substructures was conducted at the first time-point as part of ... Full text Link to item Cite

Essentials of nephrology

Chapter · December 1, 2008 Full text Cite

Cardiac arrhythmias following anesthesia induction in infantile-onset Pompe disease: a case series.

Journal Article Paediatr Anaesth · August 2007 BACKGROUND: Patients with infantile-onset Pompe disease suffer from marked hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and an increased risk of arrhythmia. A noncompliant left ventricle predisposes these infants to diastolic heart failure with elevated left ventricular en ... Full text Link to item Cite

Author's reply [2]

Journal Article Paediatric Anaesthesia · August 1, 2007 Full text Cite

The novel use of computer-generated virtual imaging to assess the difficult pediatric airway.

Journal Article Anesth Analg · May 2007 In a patient with a known difficult airway, history and examination may be of limited use in formulating a management plan for subsequent tracheal intubation. Further detailed and descriptive review of the airway is necessary. Virtual imaging is a recent a ... Full text Link to item Cite

Pediatric Regional Anesthesia

Journal Article · December 1, 2006 Full text Cite

Magnetic resonance imaging and head circumference study of brain size in autism: birth through age 2 years.

Journal Article Arch Gen Psychiatry · December 2005 CONTEXT: While the neuroanatomical basis of autism is not yet known, evidence suggests that brain enlargement may be characteristic of this disorder. Inferences about the timing of brain enlargement have recently come from studies of head circumference (HC ... Full text Link to item Cite

Moderate sedation for MRI in young children with autism.

Journal Article Pediatr Radiol · September 2005 UNLABELLED: Autism is a pervasive neurodevelopmental disorder. Because of the deficits associated with the condition, sedation of children with autism has been considered more challenging than sedation of other children. OBJECTIVE: To test this hypothesis, ... Full text Link to item Cite

Pediatric Regional Anesthesia

Chapter · January 1, 2005 Full text Cite

Anaesthetic management of infants with glycogen storage disease type II: a physiological approach.

Journal Article Paediatr Anaesth · June 2004 Pompe or Glycogen Storage Disease type II (GSD-II) is a genetic disorder affecting both cardiac and skeletal muscle. Historically, patients with the infantile form usually die within the first year of life due to cardiac and respiratory failure. Recently a ... Full text Link to item Cite

Paediatric regional anaesthesia--what makes a difference?

Journal Article Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol · June 2002 Regional anaesthetic techniques are useful for providing post-operative pain control for ambulatory surgery in children. This chapter focuses on unique features of paediatric anatomy and physiology that allow successful performance of these techniques. An ... Full text Link to item Cite

Office-based anesthesia for children.

Journal Article Anesthesiol Clin North Am · March 2002 The use of office-based surgery and anesthesia will continue to grow. The anesthesia community has embraced the opportunity to become a driving force of office-based surgery and has organized into rapidly growing groups that promote safe practice in the of ... Full text Link to item Cite

What's new in pediatric paravertebral analgesia

Journal Article Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management · January 1, 2002 Paravertebral nerve block is a very effective method of postoperative pain control that is ideal for certain unilateral operative procedures in which bilateral blockade is not necessary. The quality of the block may be superior to that seen with epidural a ... Full text Cite

Pharmacokinetics of remifentanil in anesthetized pediatric patients undergoing elective surgery or diagnostic procedures.

Journal Article Anesth Analg · December 2001 Featured Publication UNLABELLED: Remifentanil hydrochloride is an ultra-short-acting opioid that undergoes rapid metabolism by tissue and plasma esterases. We aimed to characterize the pharmacokinetics and determine the hemodynamic profile of remifentanil after a single-bolus ... Full text Link to item Cite

Pediatric trauma. Anesthesia management.

Journal Article Anesthesiol Clin North Am · June 2001 Featured Publication Prevention of childhood injury remains the cornerstone of reducing the number of children who present for post-traumatic surgical intervention. Beyond prevention, the next best step is the accurate diagnosis and treatment of traumatic injury. Anesthesiolog ... Full text Link to item Cite

Pediatric regional anesthesia: beyond the caudal.

Journal Article Anesth Analg · July 2000 Featured Publication Full text Link to item Cite

Neuromuscular effects of rapacuronium in pediatric patients during nitrous oxide-halothane anesthesia: comparison with mivacurium.

Journal Article Can J Anaesth · February 2000 PURPOSE: To describe neuromuscular effects of rapacuronium in pediatric patients during N2O-halothane anesthesia and compare them with mivacurium in children. METHODS: 103 pediatric patients, seven days -12 yr, received rapacuronium or mivacurium during N2 ... Full text Link to item Cite

Determination of endotracheal tube size in children

Conference ANESTHESIOLOGY · September 1, 1999 Link to item Cite

Regional Anesthesia for Pain Relief in Children.

Journal Article Curr Rev Pain · 1999 Managing pain in children is a complex area that requires an understanding of the unique challenges offered by this young population. Regional anesthesia is emerging as an adjunct to pain management in children, particularly in the perioperative arena.The ... Full text Link to item Cite

Onset and recovery of neuromuscular blockade after two doses of rocuronium in children.

Journal Article J Clin Anesth · December 1998 Featured Publication STUDY OBJECTIVE: To determine if 450 micrograms/kg (1.5 times the ED95) of rocuronium would result in a comparable onset with a shorter duration of action when compared with 600 micrograms/kg (2 times the ED95). DESIGN: Randomized, single-blind study. SETT ... Full text Link to item Cite

Successful surgical outcome in children with sickle hemoglobinopathies: the Duke University experience.

Journal Article J Pediatr Surg · March 1998 BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Surgery in patients with sickle hemoglobinopathies can be problematic because of the potential for sickling events in the perioperative and postoperative period. The authors and others have previously reported successful surgical outcom ... Full text Link to item Cite

Pediatric laryngeal mask insertion; A comparison among three techniques

Conference ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA · February 1, 1998 Link to item Cite

Paediatric preoperative teaching: effects at induction and postoperatively.

Journal Article Paediatr Anaesth · 1998 In a randomized controlled trial at Duke University and University of North Carolina Hospitals, 143 two to six year old children undergoing elective ambulatory surgery were randomized into a control group who received routine preoperative teaching or an in ... Full text Link to item Cite

Oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate as an anaesthetic premedication when dosed to an opioid effect vs total opioid consumption.

Journal Article Paediatr Anaesth · 1998 Thirty min prior to anaesthetic induction for surgery, children aged 4-12 years old were given a 10 oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate (OTFC) and were instructed to suck the OTFC until pruritus appeared (Group 2) or until the entire dose wa ... Full text Link to item Cite

Evaluation of a new flexometallic catheter for thoracic epidural analgesia via the caudal route in infants and neonates

Journal Article Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine · January 1, 1998 Introduction: Thoracic epidural anesthesia via the caudal route in infants and children has been shown to be a reliable alternative to direct thoracic epidural placement1'2. The caudal route avoids difficulties and hazards of trochar insertion in the lumba ... Full text Cite

Pharmacokinetic model-driven infusion of fentanyl in children.

Journal Article Anesthesiology · December 1996 BACKGROUND: This study determined the accuracy of previously defined adult fentanyl pharmacokinetics in children having surgery; from this population, the pharmacokinetics of fentanyl were characterized in children when administered via a computerized assi ... Full text Link to item Cite

Incidence of acute otitis media in infants in a general practice.

Journal Article J R Coll Gen Pract · February 1988 A 12-month study of the incidence of acute otitis media in children under three years of age in an urban practice of 10 000 patients showed that acute otitis media accounted for one in 10 of all episodes of illness presented. In contrast to findings in Sca ... Link to item Cite

Evaluation of a course for general practitioners on muscles and joints.

Journal Article Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) · February 25, 1984 We attempted to evaluate a course on muscle and joint problems for general practitioners using a practice log diary and a factual test paper, which were completed both before and after the course by the doctors attending. A significant improvement was show ... Full text Link to item Cite

General practice orthopaedic outpatient referrals in North Staffordshire.

Journal Article Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) · November 12, 1983 A study was made of 813 orthopaedic referrals by 134 general practitioners in North Staffordshire. The referral rates showed no relation to practice list size or the doctors' previous orthopaedic experience. The published waiting times did not accurately r ... Full text Link to item Cite

Lessons learned from a course for practice nurses.

Journal Article Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) · August 8, 1981 Full text Link to item Cite

Glaucoma screening in a general practice.

Journal Article Practitioner · June 1969 Link to item Cite