Two-dimensional catheter arrays for real time intracardiac volumetric imaging
The arrays for intracardiac volumetric imaging based upon two different designs: a 10×10 = 100 element 5 MHz forward looking 2-D array; and a 13×11 = 143 element 5 MHz 2-D array for side scanning are constructed. For the forward looking 2-D arrays, the transducers are constructed on a polyimide wireguide/backing with a soft epoxy behind it. The scanning 2-D catheter array transducer are built on a multi-layer flex circuit using thin film techniques. The transducer/handle assemblies are integrated with the real time volumetric imaging system capable of generating multiple planes at any desired angle and depth within the pyramidal volume. Evaluations show that the axial resolution is 1-2 mm and the lateral resolution is 5 mm at a depth of 3 cm.