Male Akita mice develop signs of bladder underactivity independent of NLRP3 as a result of a decrease in neurotransmitter release from efferent neurons.
Diabetic bladder dysfunction (DBD) is a prevalent diabetic complication that is recalcitrant to glucose control. Using the Akita mouse model (type 1) bred to be NLR family pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3)+/+ or NLRP3-/-, we have previously found that females (mild hyperglycemia) progress from an overactive to underactive bladder phenotype and that this progression was dependent on NLRP3-induced inflammation. Here, we examined DBD in the male Akita mouse (severe hyperglycemia) and found by urodynamics only a compensated underactive-like phenotype (increased void volume and decreased frequency but unchanged efficiency). Surprisingly, this phenotype was still present in the NLRP3-/- strain and so was not dependent on NLRP3 inflammasome-induced inflammation. To examine the cause of the compensated underactive-like phenotype, we assessed overall nerve bundle density and afferent nerve bundles (Aδ-fibers). Both were decreased in density during diabetes, but denervation was absent in the diabetic NLRP3-/- strain so it was deemed unlikely to cause the underactive-like symptoms. Changes in bladder smooth muscle contractility to cell depolarization and receptor activation were also not responsible as KCl (depolarizing agent), carbachol (muscarinic agonist), and α,β-methylene-ATP (purinergic agonist) elicited equivalent contractions in denuded bladder strips in all groups. However, electrical field stimulation revealed a diabetes-induced decrease in contractility that was not blocked in the NLRP3-/- strain, suggesting that the bladder compensated underactive-like phenotype in the male Akita mouse is likely through a decrease in efferent neurotransmitter release.NEW & NOTEWORTHY In this study, we show that diabetic bladder dysfunction (the most common diabetic complication) manifests through different mechanisms that may be related to severity of hyperglycemia and/or sex. Male Akita mice, which have severe hyperglycemia, develop bladder underactivity as a result of a decrease in efferent neurotransmitter release that is independent of inflammation. This contrasts with females, who have milder hyperglycemia, where diabetic bladder dysfunction progresses from overactivity to underactivity in an inflammation-dependent manner.
Duke Scholars
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Related Subject Headings
- Urology & Nephrology
- Urologic Diseases
- Urinary Bladder
- Neurons, Efferent
- NLR Family, Pyrin Domain-Containing 3 Protein
- Mice
- Male
- Inflammation
- Hyperglycemia
- Female
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Related Subject Headings
- Urology & Nephrology
- Urologic Diseases
- Urinary Bladder
- Neurons, Efferent
- NLR Family, Pyrin Domain-Containing 3 Protein
- Mice
- Male
- Inflammation
- Hyperglycemia
- Female