The other 90% of the protein: assessment beyond the Calphas for CASP8 template-based and high-accuracy models.
For template-based modeling in the CASP8 Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction, this work develops and applies six new full-model metrics. They are designed to complement and add value to the traditional template-based assessment by the global distance test (GDT) and related scores (based on multiple superpositions of Calpha atoms between target structure and predictions labeled "Model 1"). The new metrics evaluate each predictor group on each target, using all atoms of their best model with above-average GDT. Two metrics evaluate how "protein-like" the predicted model is: the MolProbity score used for validating experimental structures, and a mainchain reality score using all-atom steric clashes, bond length and angle outliers, and backbone dihedrals. Four other new metrics evaluate match of model to target for mainchain and sidechain hydrogen bonds, sidechain end positioning, and sidechain rotamers. Group-average Z-score across the six full-model measures is averaged with group-average GDT Z-score to produce the overall ranking for full-model, high-accuracy performance. Separate assessments are reported for specific aspects of predictor-group performance, such as robustness of approximately correct template or fold identification, and self-scoring ability at identifying the best of their models. Fold identification is distinct from but correlated with group-average GDT Z-score if target difficulty is taken into account, whereas self-scoring is done best by servers and is uncorrelated with GDT performance. Outstanding individual models on specific targets are identified and discussed. Predictor groups excelled at different aspects, highlighting the diversity of current methodologies. However, good full-model scores correlate robustly with high Calpha accuracy.
Duke Scholars
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Related Subject Headings
- Software
- Sequence Analysis, Protein
- Proteins
- Protein Folding
- Protein Conformation
- Models, Molecular
- Hydrogen Bonding
- Computational Biology
- Bioinformatics
- 49 Mathematical sciences
Published In
Publication Date
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Related Subject Headings
- Software
- Sequence Analysis, Protein
- Proteins
- Protein Folding
- Protein Conformation
- Models, Molecular
- Hydrogen Bonding
- Computational Biology
- Bioinformatics
- 49 Mathematical sciences