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Sreeja M Natesan

Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
Emergency Medicine

Awards & Honors

CORD Academy Award for Teaching and Evaluation Scholar Award

National Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors · 2018 The major purpose of the award is to help define, recognize, and award outstanding educators who have met rigorous standards of academic excellence within the last five years. More about this award

CORD Faculty Teacher Award

National Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors · 2016 Intended to recognize the contributions of a junior faculty member to the education of emergency medicine residents. Qualities that will be evaluated include commitment to teaching, contributions to the residency program, and involvement in state or national activities that promote resident education. More about this award

Duke Emergency Medicine Kathleen J Clem Distinguished Faculty Award

Department Duke Emergency Medicine · 2016 Awarded to the faculty member for going above and beyond the call of duty in an effort to advance the residency program and Emergency Medicine at Duke. This is manifested by the faculty's involvement in extracurricular programs that benefit the education or well-being of the residents and advance the reputation of Duke Emergency Medicine within the institution.

Scholarship Recipient for Duke University Teaching and Leading Evidence Based Medicine- Teaching Fellowship Program

Department Duke EBM Workshop and GME · 2016 These scholarships are funded by a GME Innovations project and are reserved for residents, fellows and junior faculty who can bring EBM back to Duke residency programs. The workshop focuses not only on practicing EBM, but also on teaching EBM, making it an ideal educational opportunity for rising chief residents or others involved in teaching and the education of your residents.

Duke University Division of Emergency Medicine Faculty Teacher of the Year Award

Department Duke Emergency Medicine · 2014 Awarded to the faculty member who demonstrated superior skills in teaching residents, nurses, colleagues, and EMS.