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Sreeja M Natesan

Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
Emergency Medicine

Research Interests

Medical Education, Diversity Equity and Inclusion in Medical Education, Clinical Teaching & Feedback, Professional Development, Board Review Preparation

Selected Grants

Save a Life Public Education Event

ConferencePrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Society for Academic Emergency Medicine · 2016 - 2017

Fellowships, Gifts, and Supported Research

Teaching for Equity Fellowship · May 2022 - May 2023 Duke University The Teaching for Equity Fellowship is a year-long series of workshops that give faculty tools to better engage all students in our classrooms, labs and learning spaces. The workshops are specifically designed to address a number of teaching and mentoring topics that may arise around race and identity. Faculty fellows gain specific skills and strategies to create a culture that improves learning for all our students.
AAMC LEAD Fellowship Program · May 2022 - May 2023 AAMC The Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Certificate Program, an application-based certificate program, cultivates leaders in academic medicine through evidence-based, collaborative learning and reflective practice. The program will be delivered as a one-year, cohort-based, national leadership development certificate program that focuses on four areas: -Strategic vision and setting direction -Developing people -Developing organizations -Managing effectively
Alumni Mentor in the Faculty Incubator Program · 2018 - 2019 Alumni Mentor · Academic Life in Emergency Medicine (ALiEM) Serving as Alumni Mentor for the ALiEM Faculty Incubator year-long professional development program for educators. Leading discussions to help with engagement, mentorship, and collaboration.
Facubatee in the Faculty Incubator Program · 2017 - 2018 Academic Life in Emergency Medicine (ALiEM) The ALiEM Faculty Incubator is a year-long professional development program for educators, which enrolls members into a mentored digital community of practice. This small, 30-person, exclusive community stokes the fires of creative engagement through mentorship and collaboration. It aims to strengthen the participants educational skills and produce tangible works of scholarship. The goal is to construct a curriculum, delivered in a closed digital platform, and help launch and accelerate the participants career development.
Teaching Fellowship · 2015 - 2016 American College of Emergency Physicians Yearlong Fellowship intended to help faculty grow as educators. Specific areas include: -Develop the skills needed to become successful in an academic environment -Develop skills to become an excellent academic instructor -Enhance management and leadership skills

External Relationships

  • Academic life in Emergency Medicine

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