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Pelin Cayirlioglu Volkan

Associate Professor of Biology
Box 90338, Durham, NC 27708-0338
4313 French Family Science Center, Durham, NC 27708

Selected Publications

Atypical cadherin, Fat2, regulates axon terminal organization in the developing Drosophila olfactory receptor neurons.

Journal Article iScience · July 2024 The process of how neuronal identity confers circuit organization is intricately related to the mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration and neuropathologies. Modeling this process, the olfactory circuit builds a functionally organized topographic map, whic ... Full text Cite

Orb2 enables rare-codon-enriched mRNA expression during Drosophila neuron differentiation.

Journal Article Nat Commun · June 20, 2024 Regulation of codon optimality is an increasingly appreciated layer of cell- and tissue-specific protein expression control. Here, we use codon-modified reporters to show that differentiation of Drosophila neural stem cells into neurons enables protein exp ... Full text Link to item Cite

Social experience and pheromone receptor activity reprogram gene expression in sensory neurons.

Journal Article G3 (Bethesda, Md.) · June 2023 Social experience and pheromone signaling in olfactory neurons affect neuronal responses and male courtship behaviors in Drosophila. We previously showed that social experience and pheromone signaling modulate chromatin around behavioral switch gene fruitl ... Full text Cite

The effect of Drosophila attP40 background on the glomerular organization of Or47b olfactory receptor neurons.

Journal Article G3 (Bethesda, Md.) · April 2023 Bacteriophage integrase-directed insertion of transgenic constructs into specific genomic loci has been widely used by Drosophila community. The attP40 landing site located on the second chromosome gained popularity because of its high inducible transgene ... Full text Cite

Ant Olfaction: Smells Like an Insect, Develops Like a Mammal.

Journal Article Current biology : CB · August 2020 A detailed description of olfactory system development in ants reveals that - unlike in Drosophila and as in mammals - olfactory receptors may play a role, providing new insights into the developmental evolution of complex chemosensory systems. ... Full text Cite

Chromatin-based reprogramming of a courtship regulator by concurrent pheromone perception and hormone signaling.

Journal Article Science advances · May 2020 To increase fitness, animals use both internal and external states to coordinate reproductive behaviors. The molecular mechanisms underlying this coordination remain unknown. Here, we focused on pheromone-sensing Drosophila Or47b neurons, which exhi ... Full text Cite

Social Context Enhances Hormonal Modulation of Pheromone Detection in Drosophila.

Journal Article Current biology : CB · November 2019 Critical to evolutionary fitness, animals regulate social behaviors by integrating signals from both their external environments and internal states. Here, we find that population density modulates the courtship behavior of male Drosophila melanogaster in ... Full text Cite

Combinations of DIPs and Dprs control organization of olfactory receptor neuron terminals in Drosophila.

Journal Article PLoS genetics · August 2018 In Drosophila, 50 classes of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) connect to 50 class-specific and uniquely positioned glomeruli in the antennal lobe. Despite the identification of cell surface receptors regulating axon guidance, how ORN axons sort to form 50 ... Full text Cite

Preparing Developing Peripheral Olfactory Tissue for Molecular and Immunohistochemical Analysis in Drosophila.

Journal Article Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE · June 2018 The olfactory system of Drosophila is a widely used system in developmental neurobiology, systems neuroscience, as well as neurophysiology, behavior, and behavioral evolution. Drosophila olfactory tissues house the olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) that de ... Full text Cite

Comparative analysis of behavioral and transcriptional variation underlying CO2 sensory neuron function and development in Drosophila.

Journal Article Fly · October 2017 Carbon dioxide is an important environmental cue for many insects, regulating many behaviors including some that have direct human impacts. To further improve our understanding of how this system varies among closely related insect species, we examined bot ... Full text Cite

Patterns of transcriptional parallelism and variation in the developing olfactory system of Drosophila species.

Journal Article Scientific reports · August 2017 Organisms have evolved strikingly parallel phenotypes in response to similar selection pressures suggesting that there may be shared constraints limiting the possible evolutionary trajectories. For example, the behavioral adaptation of specialist Drosophil ... Full text Cite

Generation of neuronal diversity in the peripheral olfactory system in drosophila

Chapter · July 24, 2017 It is estimated that there are billions of neurons in the human brain. Each of these neurons is thought to play a distinct role in nervous system function. It is the emergent functional properties of these neurons that allow organisms to detect and process ... Full text Cite

Transcriptional profiling of olfactory system development identifies distal antenna as a regulator of subset of neuronal fates.

Journal Article Scientific reports · January 2017 Drosophila uses 50 different olfactory receptor neuron (ORN) classes that are clustered within distinct sensilla subtypes to decipher their chemical environment. Each sensilla subtype houses 1-4 ORN identities that arise through asymmetric divisions of a s ... Full text Cite

Chromatin Modulatory Proteins and Olfactory Receptor Signaling in the Refinement and Maintenance of Fruitless Expression in Olfactory Receptor Neurons.

Journal Article PLoS biology · April 2016 During development, sensory neurons must choose identities that allow them to detect specific signals and connect with appropriate target neurons. Ultimately, these sensory neurons will successfully integrate into appropriate neural circuits to generate de ... Full text Open Access Cite

Atypical cadherin, Fat2, regulates axon terminal organization in the developing Drosophila olfactory receptor neurons.

Journal Article iScience · July 2024 The process of how neuronal identity confers circuit organization is intricately related to the mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration and neuropathologies. Modeling this process, the olfactory circuit builds a functionally organized topographic map, whic ... Full text Cite

Orb2 enables rare-codon-enriched mRNA expression during Drosophila neuron differentiation.

Journal Article Nat Commun · June 20, 2024 Regulation of codon optimality is an increasingly appreciated layer of cell- and tissue-specific protein expression control. Here, we use codon-modified reporters to show that differentiation of Drosophila neural stem cells into neurons enables protein exp ... Full text Link to item Cite

Social experience and pheromone receptor activity reprogram gene expression in sensory neurons.

Journal Article G3 (Bethesda, Md.) · June 2023 Social experience and pheromone signaling in olfactory neurons affect neuronal responses and male courtship behaviors in Drosophila. We previously showed that social experience and pheromone signaling modulate chromatin around behavioral switch gene fruitl ... Full text Cite

The effect of Drosophila attP40 background on the glomerular organization of Or47b olfactory receptor neurons.

Journal Article G3 (Bethesda, Md.) · April 2023 Bacteriophage integrase-directed insertion of transgenic constructs into specific genomic loci has been widely used by Drosophila community. The attP40 landing site located on the second chromosome gained popularity because of its high inducible transgene ... Full text Cite

Ant Olfaction: Smells Like an Insect, Develops Like a Mammal.

Journal Article Current biology : CB · August 2020 A detailed description of olfactory system development in ants reveals that - unlike in Drosophila and as in mammals - olfactory receptors may play a role, providing new insights into the developmental evolution of complex chemosensory systems. ... Full text Cite

Chromatin-based reprogramming of a courtship regulator by concurrent pheromone perception and hormone signaling.

Journal Article Science advances · May 2020 To increase fitness, animals use both internal and external states to coordinate reproductive behaviors. The molecular mechanisms underlying this coordination remain unknown. Here, we focused on pheromone-sensing Drosophila Or47b neurons, which exhi ... Full text Cite

Social Context Enhances Hormonal Modulation of Pheromone Detection in Drosophila.

Journal Article Current biology : CB · November 2019 Critical to evolutionary fitness, animals regulate social behaviors by integrating signals from both their external environments and internal states. Here, we find that population density modulates the courtship behavior of male Drosophila melanogaster in ... Full text Cite

Combinations of DIPs and Dprs control organization of olfactory receptor neuron terminals in Drosophila.

Journal Article PLoS genetics · August 2018 In Drosophila, 50 classes of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) connect to 50 class-specific and uniquely positioned glomeruli in the antennal lobe. Despite the identification of cell surface receptors regulating axon guidance, how ORN axons sort to form 50 ... Full text Cite

Preparing Developing Peripheral Olfactory Tissue for Molecular and Immunohistochemical Analysis in Drosophila.

Journal Article Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE · June 2018 The olfactory system of Drosophila is a widely used system in developmental neurobiology, systems neuroscience, as well as neurophysiology, behavior, and behavioral evolution. Drosophila olfactory tissues house the olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) that de ... Full text Cite

Comparative analysis of behavioral and transcriptional variation underlying CO2 sensory neuron function and development in Drosophila.

Journal Article Fly · October 2017 Carbon dioxide is an important environmental cue for many insects, regulating many behaviors including some that have direct human impacts. To further improve our understanding of how this system varies among closely related insect species, we examined bot ... Full text Cite

Patterns of transcriptional parallelism and variation in the developing olfactory system of Drosophila species.

Journal Article Scientific reports · August 2017 Organisms have evolved strikingly parallel phenotypes in response to similar selection pressures suggesting that there may be shared constraints limiting the possible evolutionary trajectories. For example, the behavioral adaptation of specialist Drosophil ... Full text Cite

Generation of neuronal diversity in the peripheral olfactory system in drosophila

Chapter · July 24, 2017 It is estimated that there are billions of neurons in the human brain. Each of these neurons is thought to play a distinct role in nervous system function. It is the emergent functional properties of these neurons that allow organisms to detect and process ... Full text Cite

Transcriptional profiling of olfactory system development identifies distal antenna as a regulator of subset of neuronal fates.

Journal Article Scientific reports · January 2017 Drosophila uses 50 different olfactory receptor neuron (ORN) classes that are clustered within distinct sensilla subtypes to decipher their chemical environment. Each sensilla subtype houses 1-4 ORN identities that arise through asymmetric divisions of a s ... Full text Cite

Chromatin Modulatory Proteins and Olfactory Receptor Signaling in the Refinement and Maintenance of Fruitless Expression in Olfactory Receptor Neurons.

Journal Article PLoS biology · April 2016 During development, sensory neurons must choose identities that allow them to detect specific signals and connect with appropriate target neurons. Ultimately, these sensory neurons will successfully integrate into appropriate neural circuits to generate de ... Full text Open Access Cite

A Functionally Conserved Gene Regulatory Network Module Governing Olfactory Neuron Diversity.

Journal Article PLoS genetics · January 2016 Sensory neuron diversity is required for organisms to decipher complex environmental cues. In Drosophila, the olfactory environment is detected by 50 different olfactory receptor neuron (ORN) classes that are clustered in combinations within distinct sensi ... Full text Open Access Cite

Mechanisms of olfactory receptor neuron specification in Drosophila.

Journal Article Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Developmental biology · November 2015 Detection of a broad range of chemosensory signals is necessary for the survival of multicellular organisms. Chemical signals are the main facilitators of foraging, escape, and social behaviors. To increase detection coverage, animal sensory systems have e ... Full text Cite

Examination of Endogenous Rotund Expression and Function in Developing Drosophila Olfactory System Using CRISPR-Cas9-Mediated Protein Tagging.

Journal Article G3 (Bethesda, Md.) · October 2015 The zinc-finger protein Rotund (Rn) plays a critical role in controlling the development of the fly olfactory system. However, little is known about its molecular function in vivo. Here, we added protein tags to the rn locus using CRISPR-Cas9 technology in ... Full text Open Access Cite

Mechanisms of olfactory receptor neuron specification in Drosophila

Journal Article Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Developmental Biology · 2015 © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Detection of a broad range of chemosensory signals is necessary for the survival of multicellular organisms. Chemical signals are the main facilitators of foraging, escape, and social behaviors. To increase detection coverage, ... Full text Cite

Combinatorial rules of precursor specification underlying olfactory neuron diversity.

Journal Article Current biology : CB · December 2013 BackgroundSensory neuron diversity ensures optimal detection of the external world and is a hallmark of sensory systems. An extreme example is the olfactory system, as individual olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) adopt unique sensory identities by ... Full text Cite

Hybrid neurons in a microRNA mutant are putative evolutionary intermediates in insect CO2 sensory systems.

Journal Article Science (New York, N.Y.) · February 2008 Carbon dioxide (CO2) elicits different olfactory behaviors across species. In Drosophila, neurons that detect CO2 are located in the antenna, form connections in a ventral glomerulus in the antennal lobe, and mediate avoidance. By contrast, in the mosquito ... Full text Cite

Two chemosensory receptors together mediate carbon dioxide detection in Drosophila.

Journal Article Nature · January 2007 Blood-feeding insects, including the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae, use highly specialized and sensitive olfactory systems to locate their hosts. This is accomplished by detecting and following plumes of volatile host emissions, which include carbon d ... Full text Cite

Expression and possible function of fibroblast growth factor 9 (FGF9) and its cognate receptors FGFR2 and FGFR3 in postnatal and adult retina.

Journal Article Journal of neuroscience research · February 2005 Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are important regulators of retinal development and survival. We examined the expression and distribution of FGF9 and its preferred receptors FGFR2IIIc and FGFR3IIIc in this tissue. FGF9 transcripts in whole rat retina were ... Full text Cite

Transcriptional repressor functions of Drosophila E2F1 and E2F2 cooperate to inhibit genomic DNA synthesis in ovarian follicle cells.

Journal Article Molecular and cellular biology · March 2003 Individual members of the E2F/DP protein family control cell cycle progression by acting predominantly as an activator or repressor of transcription. In Drosophila melanogaster the E2f1, E2f2, Dp, and Rbf1 genes all contribute to replication control in ova ... Full text Cite

Drosophila E2f2 promotes the conversion from genomic DNA replication to gene amplification in ovarian follicle cells.

Journal Article Development (Cambridge, England) · December 2001 Drosophila contains two members of the E2F transcription factor family (E2f and E2f2), which controls the expression of genes that regulate the G1-S transition of the cell cycle. Previous genetic analyses have indicated that E2f is an essential gene that s ... Full text Cite

Activated armadillo/beta-catenin does not play a general role in cell migration and process extension in Drosophila.

Journal Article Developmental biology · July 2001 Human beta-catenin and its fly homolog Armadillo are best known for their roles in cadherin-based cell-cell adhesion and in transduction of Wingless/Wnt signals. It has been hypothesized that beta-catenin may also regulate cell migration and cell shape cha ... Full text Cite

Cell cycle: Flies teach an old dogma new tricks.

Journal Article Current biology : CB · March 2001 E2F transcription factors are thought to influence the G1-S cell-cycle transition by controlling expression of genes required for growth and DNA synthesis. But emerging evidence suggests E2F complexes can control the cell cycle independently of transcripti ... Full text Cite