Movie 1 from HER2 Isoforms Uniquely Program Intratumor Heterogeneity and Predetermine Breast Cancer Trajectories During the Occult Tumorigenic Phase
, Other
Ginzel, JD; Acharya, CR; Lubkov, V; Mori, H; Boone, PG; Rochelle, LK; Roberts, WL; Everitt, JI; Hartman, ZC; Crosby, EJ; Barak, LS; Caron, MG ...
April 3, 2023
Duke Scholars
Ginzel, J. D., Acharya, C. R., Lubkov, V., Mori, H., Boone, P. G., Rochelle, L. K., … Snyder, J. C. (2023). Movie 1 from HER2 Isoforms Uniquely Program Intratumor Heterogeneity and Predetermine Breast Cancer Trajectories During the Occult Tumorigenic Phase.
Ginzel, Joshua D., Chaitanya R. Acharya, Veronica Lubkov, Hidetoshi Mori, Peter G. Boone, Lauren K. Rochelle, Wendy L. Roberts, et al. “Movie 1 from HER2 Isoforms Uniquely Program Intratumor Heterogeneity and Predetermine Breast Cancer Trajectories During the Occult Tumorigenic Phase,” April 3, 2023.
Ginzel JD, Acharya CR, Lubkov V, Mori H, Boone PG, Rochelle LK, et al. Movie 1 from HER2 Isoforms Uniquely Program Intratumor Heterogeneity and Predetermine Breast Cancer Trajectories During the Occult Tumorigenic Phase. 2023.
Ginzel, Joshua D., et al. Movie 1 from HER2 Isoforms Uniquely Program Intratumor Heterogeneity and Predetermine Breast Cancer Trajectories During the Occult Tumorigenic Phase. 3 Apr. 2023. Crossref, doi:10.1158/1541-7786.22526420.
Ginzel JD, Acharya CR, Lubkov V, Mori H, Boone PG, Rochelle LK, Roberts WL, Everitt JI, Hartman ZC, Crosby EJ, Barak LS, Caron MG, Chen JQ, Hubbard NE, Cardiff RD, Borowsky AD, Lyerly HK, Snyder JC. Movie 1 from HER2 Isoforms Uniquely Program Intratumor Heterogeneity and Predetermine Breast Cancer Trajectories During the Occult Tumorigenic Phase. 2023.