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Selected Publications

Re/Marks on Power How Annotation Inscribes History, Literacy, and Justice

Book · April 15, 2025 Throughout this book, the author makes visible a new social language of annotation that can be read across time and texts. ... Cite

Social annotation: Promising technologies and practices in writing

Chapter · September 14, 2023 The act of annotation is intimately associated with reading, thinking, writing, and learning. From book marginalia to online commentary, this centuries-old practice has flourished in contemporary educational contexts thanks to recent advances in digital te ... Full text Open Access Cite

Tinkering toward teacher learning: a case for critical playful literacies in teacher education

Journal Article English Teaching · June 8, 2023 Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to re-center playfulness as a humanizing approach in teacher education. As teachers navigate the current moment of heightened control, surveillance, and systemic inequity, these proposed moves in teacher education can ... Full text Cite

Learning Analytics and the Abolitionist Imagination

Journal Article Journal of Learning Analytics · March 12, 2023 This article advances an abolitionist reframing of learning analytics (LA) that explores the benefits of productive disorientation, considers potential harms and care made possible by LA, and suggests the abolitionist imagination as an important educationa ... Full text Open Access Cite

A Cross-cutting Introduction to Technologies for Learning Communities

Conference Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS · January 1, 2022 This interactive demonstration provides hands-on experiences with six technology tools for learning communities. Demonstrations include scripted collective inquiry, discourse supports, analytics, and generative synthesis of ideas. This session introduces e ... Cite

Designing a Social Learning Analytics Tool for Open Annotation and Collaborative Learning

Chapter · January 1, 2022 This chapter examines why the social and technical practice of annotation—and, specifically, annotation that accompanies digital and openly accessible texts—is relevant to the development of learning analytics in open, flexible, and distance learning (OFDL ... Full text Cite

Using social annotation to construct knowledge with others: A case study across undergraduate courses.

Journal Article F1000Research · January 2022 Background: Social annotation (SA) is a genre of learning technology that enables the addition of digital notes to shared texts and affords contextualized peer-to-peer online discussion. A small body of literature examines how SA, as asynchronous on ... Full text Cite

Curating a Public Conversation about Annotation

Journal Article Commonplace · July 22, 2021 Full text Cite


Book · April 6, 2021 An introduction to annotation as a genre—a synthesis of reading, thinking, writing, and communication—and its significance in scholarship and everyday life.Annotation—the addition of a note to a text—is an everyday ... Full text Cite

Advancing Technology Environments for Learning Communities

Conference Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, CSCL · January 1, 2021 This symposium will examine and envision new possibilities to design next generation technology environments for advancing the study of classroom learning communities as a pedagogical approach. Of the many different kinds of technology environments used in ... Cite

Remarking on Annotation

Journal Article Commonplace · June 30, 2020 Full text Cite

“When I saw my peers annotating”: Student perceptions of social annotation for learning in multiple courses

Journal Article Information and Learning Science · May 4, 2020 Purpose: Social annotation (SA) is a genre of learning technology that enables the annotation of digital resources for information sharing, social interaction and knowledge production. This study aims to examine the perceived value of SA as contributing to ... Full text Cite

Social annotation enabling collaboration for open learning

Journal Article Distance Education · April 2, 2020 Collaboration is a conceptually ambiguous aspect of open education. Given inconsistent discussion about collaboration in the open education literature, this article suggests collaboration be defined and studied as a distinct open educational practice. A th ... Full text Cite

Re/Marks on Power How Annotation Inscribes History, Literacy, and Justice

Book · April 15, 2025 Throughout this book, the author makes visible a new social language of annotation that can be read across time and texts. ... Cite

Social annotation: Promising technologies and practices in writing

Chapter · September 14, 2023 The act of annotation is intimately associated with reading, thinking, writing, and learning. From book marginalia to online commentary, this centuries-old practice has flourished in contemporary educational contexts thanks to recent advances in digital te ... Full text Open Access Cite

Tinkering toward teacher learning: a case for critical playful literacies in teacher education

Journal Article English Teaching · June 8, 2023 Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to re-center playfulness as a humanizing approach in teacher education. As teachers navigate the current moment of heightened control, surveillance, and systemic inequity, these proposed moves in teacher education can ... Full text Cite

Learning Analytics and the Abolitionist Imagination

Journal Article Journal of Learning Analytics · March 12, 2023 This article advances an abolitionist reframing of learning analytics (LA) that explores the benefits of productive disorientation, considers potential harms and care made possible by LA, and suggests the abolitionist imagination as an important educationa ... Full text Open Access Cite

A Cross-cutting Introduction to Technologies for Learning Communities

Conference Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS · January 1, 2022 This interactive demonstration provides hands-on experiences with six technology tools for learning communities. Demonstrations include scripted collective inquiry, discourse supports, analytics, and generative synthesis of ideas. This session introduces e ... Cite

Designing a Social Learning Analytics Tool for Open Annotation and Collaborative Learning

Chapter · January 1, 2022 This chapter examines why the social and technical practice of annotation—and, specifically, annotation that accompanies digital and openly accessible texts—is relevant to the development of learning analytics in open, flexible, and distance learning (OFDL ... Full text Cite

Using social annotation to construct knowledge with others: A case study across undergraduate courses.

Journal Article F1000Research · January 2022 Background: Social annotation (SA) is a genre of learning technology that enables the addition of digital notes to shared texts and affords contextualized peer-to-peer online discussion. A small body of literature examines how SA, as asynchronous on ... Full text Cite

Curating a Public Conversation about Annotation

Journal Article Commonplace · July 22, 2021 Full text Cite


Book · April 6, 2021 An introduction to annotation as a genre—a synthesis of reading, thinking, writing, and communication—and its significance in scholarship and everyday life.Annotation—the addition of a note to a text—is an everyday ... Full text Cite

Advancing Technology Environments for Learning Communities

Conference Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, CSCL · January 1, 2021 This symposium will examine and envision new possibilities to design next generation technology environments for advancing the study of classroom learning communities as a pedagogical approach. Of the many different kinds of technology environments used in ... Cite

Remarking on Annotation

Journal Article Commonplace · June 30, 2020 Full text Cite

“When I saw my peers annotating”: Student perceptions of social annotation for learning in multiple courses

Journal Article Information and Learning Science · May 4, 2020 Purpose: Social annotation (SA) is a genre of learning technology that enables the annotation of digital resources for information sharing, social interaction and knowledge production. This study aims to examine the perceived value of SA as contributing to ... Full text Cite

Social annotation enabling collaboration for open learning

Journal Article Distance Education · April 2, 2020 Collaboration is a conceptually ambiguous aspect of open education. Given inconsistent discussion about collaboration in the open education literature, this article suggests collaboration be defined and studied as a distinct open educational practice. A th ... Full text Cite

Civic Writing on Digital Walls

Journal Article Journal of Literacy Research · December 1, 2019 Civic writing has appeared on walls over centuries, across cultures, and in response to political concerns. This article advances a civic interrogation of how civic writing is publicly authored, read, and discussed as openly accessible and multimodal texts ... Full text Cite

Open Web annotation as collaborative learning

Journal Article First Monday · June 1, 2019 This paper describes the use of open Web annotation (OWA) for collaborative learning among online communities. OWA is defined by the open standards, principles, and practices associated with the open Web. Specifically, this case study examines coll ... Full text Cite

Learning and Researching Across Places in Mobile City Science

Chapter · January 1, 2019 This chapter explores a relationship between learning across places and researching across places. Location-aware devices play an important role in research on teaching and learning as more learning settings incorporate mobile technologies. However, collec ... Full text Cite

Equity-oriented design in open education

Journal Article International Journal of Information and Learning Technology · November 20, 2018 Purpose: The purpose of this paper is threefold: to describe the equity-oriented design of a publicly accessible and openly networked computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) initiative that has supported educator discussion about equity topics; to ... Full text Cite

Web Annotation as Conversation and Interruption

Journal Article Media Practice and Education · January 1, 2018 This article showcases both the conventional and disruptive features of web annotation as media practice. To do so, we orchestrated a series of thematic exchanges about media practice, specifically those associated with openness and politics. We then publi ... Full text Open Access Cite

Mapping Playgrids for Learning Across Space, Time, and Scale

Journal Article TechTrends · May 1, 2017 In this article, we analyze the production of learner-generated playgrids. Playgrids are produced when learners knit together social media tools to participate across settings and scales, accomplish their goals, pursue interests, and make their learning mo ... Full text Cite

Mobile inquiry-as-play in mathematics teacher education

Journal Article On the Horizon · February 8, 2016 Purpose – This study aims to describe the feasibility of designing and fostering pre-service teacher inquiry at the intersection of community and disciplinary engagement. Mapping My Math (MMM), a game-based and mobile learning activity, guided pre-service ... Full text Cite

Playing (with) POST cards

Journal Article On the Horizon · January 1, 2016 Purpose: This article illustrates through word, image and design the back-and-forth exchange characteristic of Project Oriented Semantic Trading (POST) Cards, a game-based professional learning ritual relevant to educators’ problems of practice. In describ ... Full text Cite

Gameful learning as a way of being

Journal Article International Journal of Learning Technology · January 1, 2014 As a variation on game-based learning, we propose the concept of 'gameful learning' as a framework that encourages improvisation, playfulness, and social interaction, and which takes into account the unique contingencies of individual people and specific c ... Full text Cite

Sociomathematical participation: Participatory culture and mathematics pre-service teacher education

Conference Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, CSCL · October 31, 2013 Despite intersections between discipline-specific mathematics content and classroom social norms and learning practices, little research documents relations between social and mathematical activity as examined through social and digital media. Drawing upon ... Cite

Math class "unsettled": Teaching and learning mathematics within and across multiple spaces

Conference Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, CSCL · October 31, 2013 Cite

Exploring the role of instructional technology in course planning and classroom teaching: Implications for pedagogical reform

Journal Article Journal of Computing in Higher Education · August 1, 2013 Instructional technology plays a key role in many teaching reform efforts at the postsecondary level, yet evidence suggests that faculty adopt these technology-based innovations in a slow and inconsistent fashion. A key to improving these efforts is to und ... Full text Cite

Games, Ethics and Engagement

Chapter · 2011 This chapter examines ethical ambiguities confronted by the design and play of serious games focused on civic engagement. Our findings derive from our examination of two educational simulation games that focus on contemporary issues related to soci ... Full text Cite

Games, ethics and engagement: Potential consequences of civic-minded game design and gameplay

Chapter · December 1, 2010 This chapter examines ethical ambiguities confronted by the design and play of serious games focused on civic engagement. Our findings derive from our examination of two educational simulation games that focus on contemporary issues related to social and p ... Full text Cite


Journal Article Indian journal of pediatrics · November 1963 Full text Cite

The Marginal Syllabus

Chapter This case study examines educator learning as mediated by open web annotation among sociopolitical texts and contexts. The chapter introduces annotation practices and conceptualizes intertextuality to describe how open web annotation creates dialog ... Full text Cite