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CELLBIO 493: Research Independent Study

Recent Instructors

Michel Bagnat
Instructor Michel Bagnat Cell Biology
Catherine Bowes Rickman
Instructor Catherine Bowes Rickman Ophthalmology, Vitreoretinal Diseases & Surgery
Nenad Bursac
Instructor Nenad Bursac Biomedical Engineering
Blanche Capel
Instructor Blanche Capel Cell Biology
Thomas Myron Coffman
Instructor Thomas Myron Coffman Medicine, Nephrology
Stefano Di Talia
Instructor Stefano Di Talia Cell Biology
Yarui Diao
Instructor Yarui Diao Cell Biology
Mai ElMallah
Instructor Mai ElMallah Pediatrics, Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine
Sharyn Anne Endow
Instructor Sharyn Anne Endow Cell Biology
Cagla Eroglu
Instructor Cagla Eroglu Cell Biology
Chantell Skye Evans
Instructor Chantell Skye Evans Cell Biology
Neil J. Freedman
Instructor Neil J. Freedman Medicine, Cardiology
Matthew James Hilton
Instructor Matthew James Hilton Orthopaedic Surgery
Ru-Rong Ji
Instructor Ru-Rong Ji Anesthesiology
Bruce Klitzman
Instructor Bruce Klitzman Surgery, Plastic, Maxillofacial, and Oral Surgery
Andrew Paul Landstrom
Instructor Andrew Paul Landstrom Pediatrics, Cardiology
Terry H. Lechler
Instructor Terry H. Lechler Dermatology
Daniel Levic
Instructor Daniel Levic Cell Biology
Akankshi Munjal
Instructor Akankshi Munjal Cell Biology
Samira Musah
Instructor Samira Musah Biomedical Engineering
Christopher Vincent Nicchitta
Instructor Christopher Vincent Nicchitta Cell Biology
Kenneth Daniel Poss
Instructor Kenneth Daniel Poss Cell Biology
Howard Allan Rockman
Instructor Howard Allan Rockman Medicine, Cardiology
Sudha Kaup Shenoy
Instructor Sudha Kaup Shenoy Medicine, Cardiology
Rohit Singh
Instructor Rohit Singh Biostatistics & Bioinformatics, Division of Biostatistics
Joshua Clair Snyder
Instructor Joshua Clair Snyder Surgery, Surgical Sciences
Scott Haydn Soderling
Instructor Scott Haydn Soderling Cell Biology
Purushothama Rao Tata
Instructor Purushothama Rao Tata Cell Biology
Aleksandra Tata
Instructor Aleksandra Tata Surgery, Surgical Sciences
William Christopher Wetsel
Instructor William Christopher Wetsel Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Behavioral Medicine & Neur ...